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Hey guys! This was originally in my old book of One Shots, but when I took it down, I decided to post this here! And every once in awhile, I'll definitely be posting some one shots for this book here, since I miss writing it so much!




-Madison's POV-

"C'mon Maddy, one more. Just push. You're almost done, I promise," Ashton said while holding my hand, and I did, the sound of a baby crying filling the room.

God I hated hospitals. After my car accident I'd spent plenty of time in one. That was the last time I'd really been in a hospital. Well, I mean, there was one time when Ashton messed up his drumming and had a little accident that resulted in him having a broken hand a few months ago, but aside from that.

And now here I was. Actually delivering a child this time. A baby boy, just like Austin. Austin's little brother.

"It's a boy," the nurse said, and I smiled breathlessly, watching the smile grow on Ashton's face as he got to cut the cord and the baby was handed to him.

"Look at him, Maddy," he smiled, small tears forming in his eyes. "He's perfect. Absolutely perfect. We're parents,"

Smiling, I looked down at the squirming baby in his arms, and when he opened up his eyes, I noticed he had the exact same shade of eyes as Ashton did. He looked just like his father.

"What's the baby's name?" the nurse asked.

 "Tyler," Ashton said. "Tyler Austin Irwin."

Austin. Tyler's older brother, the one I lost before he could have a moment like this. And instead, he's in the cemetery Ashton and I try to visit whenever we can.

"Do you wanna hold him, Mad?" Ashton asked, and I nodded.

Holding Tyler for the first time was an experience unlike one I'd ever experienced. When I'd first found out that I was pregnant with Austin, I was terrified. Terrified since Ashton wasn't home, and I didn't know how I'd tell him when he did get home.

But this... this was different.

You know that feeling? That feeling that you know this is where you're supposed to be at a given time? And that nothing can break that peaceful sense of meaning that you're feeling at that time?

This was that feeling.

I had my husband by me. My husband. My best friend. Ashton. And our son. Tyler. Our baby.

And the other boys were waiting outside. Along with Hannah.

Everything was perfectly in place.

"Do we wanna let them in?" Ashton asked, jerking his head towards the door.

"Yeah," I said, still breathing heavily from the previous events.

"Hey guys?" Ashton asked, opening the door. "There's someone that I want you guys to come meet."

Behind Ashton, the guys and Hannah all pooled into the room, their jaws dropping as they saw the baby laying on my chest. They were all mesmerized by seeing Tyler.

"There's a baby!" Luke whisper-yelled, pointing with the hand he was using to hold Hannah's.

"Yep, that's a baby, baby." she said, hugging him.

"Congrats Daddy Irwin," Michael said, nudging Ashton with his elbow.

"Thanks, Mikey," Ash smiled.

"He's beautiful, guys," Calum said.

"Wait, can I get a picture of the happy family for Instagram quick?" Luke asked, using his free hand to pull his phone out of the back pocket of his skinny jeans.

Smiling, Ashton shrugged an arm around my shoulders, and I turned Tyler a bit so the camera could see his face. Luke took the picture, and amused smile crossing his face as he tapped away on the screen.

5sos: congrats to the coolest little family I know! Tyler Austin Irwin, born 7 pounds 8 oz at 6:55 PM. @ashtonirwin @maddyirwin #BabyIrwin -Lukey

"I'm still surprised you said yes," Ashton murmured, kissing my temple.

It wasn't exactly easy for Ashton to convince me to try to have another baby after what happened with Austin. But a few months after we got married, he was able to finally convince me. I saw how much he wanted kids, and as scared as I was, it was worth a try to attempt having another kid.

"Me too," I agreed.

"Why did you finally say yes?" he asked as I finally handed the baby over to Luke, and the other guys grouped around them.

"I saw how good you were around kids," I admitted. "And I also saw how much it killed you not having one of your own. So I figured what the hell? Let's have a baby."

"I love you," he said, kissing me quickly.

"I love you too," I said, yawning.

"Sleepy honey?" Ashton asked, and I nodded.

"Just a little bit," I admitted.

"Why don't you go to sleep, babe?" he suggested. "And I'll see you in a little while, when you wake up. They wanna go take Tyler down for standard procedures, anyway."

"Okay," I said, patting the bed next to me, and he laid down, wrapping his arms around me.

Cuddling into his chest, I looked up at him. "Are you proud of me, Ashton?" I asked.

He smiled then, a smile I only ever saw when he was drumming, or when he looked at Tyler. "I'm so unbelievably proud of you." he said.

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