Ahh, don't you just love Monday mornings? When it feels like the weekend didn't even exist.

Well, that's how I felt.

I was exhausted.

I had my Reeses peanut butter themed coffee cup filled with coffee.

Two hot-fudge sundae poptarts toasted, and Daniel's vegan sandwich and snacks for lunch.

I nearly fell asleep at the bus stop.

I was wearing a black hoodie that said 'Lifeguard' on it, skinny jeans, and my converse. Like always.

My hair was french-braided into two parts, and I barely had enough time to put some makeup on, but I did.

The bus finally approached and I got on and sat alone toward the back.

I put in earbuds and drowned out the world, sipping my coffee and eating my poptarts.

Not to mention it was cloudy and partly raining, so everyone seemed to be in a foul mood.

Piper met me in the lobby when I got to school, and we studied for the quiz together.

An interruption caused us to stop studying.

"Hey Brynn, you look cute today. Here, I brought you this." James said as he handed me a small white bag with three doughnuts in it.

"You didn't poison them did you?" I asked, giggling.

"You'll just have to find out," He winked, making me laugh.

I thanked him, then gave him a side hug.

He sat down with us, and even quizzed Piper and I for the quiz.

The first bell finally rang and James hurried off to his class, while Piper and I walked to ours.

"He just brought you doughnuts. I can't." She says, hip-bumping me.

"He's just being nice," I shrugged it off, biting into the chocolate frosted doughnut.

"Oh please, he obviously likes you. Are you that oblivious?" She asked, moving her hand in front of my eyes in a fast movement.

"No, no of course not. But all I'm saying is that I just met him. It's possible, but I doubt it." I sighed as we walked into class.


James sat with us at lunch that day. He was cracking jokes left and right, making me laugh really hard.

Piper was even laughing with us, but she just kept on watching us and smiling.

"James, I swear, you're the funniest person I've ever met." I said, taking a drink of my water.

"I try," He laughs.

"Well you're very good at it." I said.

"Thanks." He said, biting into his sandwich.

After lunch, James walked me back to class.

I got a few rude glares from the other girls in my grade.

"Ignore them, they're jealous." James whispered and kept walking.

I nodded and caught up with him.

What would they be jealous of?

I knew James was attractive, but not me.

Okay, I really like James. I'll admit.

He's sweet and funny and nice.

What's not to like?


"Daniel, I need help with my homework," I said in a groggy voice as I sat at the island counter on a stool.

"What subject?" He asked, leaning on the counter.

"Math." I said.

"Pshh bye, get Joey to help you." Daniel laughed and walked away.

"Joey!" I called out.

"Yeah?" he answered back.

"Help me with my homework." I called again.

"Alright, I'm coming." He shouted down the stairs.

Joey finally came down and helped me with my math, helping me finish it quicker.

"You're a lifesaver," I said to Joey as he helped me pack my backpack.

"Hey, what are we having for dinner?" I asked Daniel as he walked into the kitchen.

"Pizza, I just ordered it." He replied.

"Mmm," I say, hungry.


"James, do you wanna get icecream tommorrow after school?" I asked, looking at his face from the screen.

We were facetiming, and I had finally mustered up the courage to ask him to go somewhere with me.

"Umm, like a date?" He stuttered a bit.
"Oh um, I don't know. I guess- if you wanted it to be." I blush, turning my head away.

Did he want to go on a date?

"Oh, well sure." He says, making me happy inside.

"Okay. I'll meet you there after school then." I said.

"Nope, I'll drive."

"When did you get your license?" I asked, turning my head.

"Over the weekend." He replied.

"As long as you don't kill me." I laughed.

"Oh please, I'm a great driver." He said, laughing.

"We'll just have to see." I giggled.

"Guys, the pizza is here!" Joey called out.

"Hey I gotta go." I said to James.

"Okay. Text me later?" He asked.

"Of course," I replied, and ended the call.

I ran down the stairs and bumped into Aiden, who fell over on the carpet.

"Sorry buddy," I apologized, helping him up.

"It's okay sissy." He answered, giggling and then walking into the kitchen.

"Where's Julia?" I asked, looking around as I grabbed a plate.

"I'm right here." Julia said in a monotone voice as I turned around.

She looked bored and annoyed.

I don't know what had gotten into her lately, but she was always being a brat about everything.

She grabbed a plate and dropped it onto the counter, the loud slam making me jump.

"Can you be a little more careful Julia?" Daniel asked, sighing.

"Yep sorry." She said and grabbed a slice of pizza and went and sat at the table.

I shook my head, grabbing two slices of pizza and a breadstick.

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