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"I love you," I smiled as I hopped into James' truck at the end of the long school day.

"Mmm, I love you too," He kissed me.

He gripped my leg as we drove down the road.

"Let's go do something," He said.

"Like what?" I asked.

"Why don't I take you shopping?" He asked, looking over at me.

"Oh no, no no no," I said, shaking my head, "I don't want you spending money on me.

"Babe, I have a job, I don't have anything else to use it for. Besides, I just got paid." He explained.

I sighed. I was in need of some new makeup.

"Only, if you buy yourself stuff too." I said, looking at him.

"Deal," He agreed, driving toward the inner city.

I texted Aunt Emma, and she said it was fine.

"Where do you wanna go first?" He asked, taking my hand and leading me toward the mall.

I put my sunglasses on top of my head, "Forever 21?"

"Sure," He said.

We made it to the shop, and they were really busy.

I picked out some tee shirts, but James handed me a green army jacket, saying it'd look cute on me.

"I love you so much," I said as we walked out of the store, two bags in my hand.

I dragged him into Hot Topic, saying we could both get some graphic tee shirts.

We both picked out a bunch of shirts, thankfully.

We walked into some other stores.

"Hey babe look at this cute necklace," I pointed to a necklace with a gold chain, a circle hanging off it with a pretty painting inside it.

"That's cute. It'd look great on you." He said.

He almost bought it, but I quickly stopped him, seeing as he bought me some jewely earlier, and a whole bunch of other clothes.

"Can we go to the cafe? I'm hungry." I asked him.

He looked back at the necklace again, "Yeah, cmon."

We made it to the cafe in the mall and ordered a small pizza, thank god.

"So you know how prom is coming up?" He asked.

"Yeah, what about it?" I asked, biting into my pizza.

"Are you gonna go?" He asked.

"Obviously, it's prom. And besides, I'm waiting for someone special to ask me." I smiled at him.

Prom was still over a month away, but it was basically all I heard about in the hallways.

"Mhm, and who might that be?" He teased.

"Oh I don't know, maybe you know him." I giggled.

We both laughed, knowing I was talking about him.

I hope he asked me to prom, although deep down I already had a feeling he would.

Besides, we're dating. It'd be weird if he took someone else to prom.


"Babee, we're the only ones home," I giggled, setting my stuff down.

The house was empty, so James and I had it to ourselves.

I took his hand, leading him up to my room.

I closed my door and locked it. "What'd you have in mind that we could do?" He asked.

I smiled to myself, then took him over to my bed and made him sit down on it.

I placed myself in his lap, kissing his neck.

"Mmm, baby. So this is what you wanted to do?" He whispered huskily.
I nodded, kissing his lips.

"So you like to take control, huh?" He asked me.

My face got red and I nodded.

"Well so do I," He whispered, before turning us over so he was laying on top of me.

My breathing hitched, and he kissed from my lips down to my neck, sucking all over it.

We probably should stop, but I didn't care at this point.

He gently lifted my shirt, then kissed down my stomach.

"Babee..." I groaned.

He pulled my shirt back down, then got off me and wrapped his arms around me, cuddling me.

"I'm all red," I giggled.

"That's cute." He smiled at me.

We stayed there for a while, on my bed, him holding me.

"My birthday is two and a half weeks away," I said.

"You know what tommorrow is right?" He asked.

My face got red hot. "Yeahh.."

Tommorrow was our one month, and I was really excited.

I know it's not really a big deal to some people, but to me it is.

He kissed me, then said "What do you want for your birthday?"

"I don't know.. talk to Daniel," I replied.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because he knows what I want."


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