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"Carry me to my bed," I begged James as I yawned again.

"Are you sleepy?" He asked.

"My birthday wore me out." I said truthfully. I was exhausted.

He smiled before picking me up bridal style and walking into the house.

I heard Daniel and Joey snicker before starting to chat again.

He carried me up the stairs to my room, turning the light off.

Thank god I had already changed into pajamas when I got home from the frozen yogurt shop earlier.

He cuddled with me for a little while before finally kissing me goodnight and leaving to go home.

Thank god it was Sunday tommorrow, I don't know how I would've dealt if we had school tommorrow.

Adam and Maria went back home after my party, sadly.

They promised they would come back over the summer and stay with us for a few days though.

I yawned again, before rolling over and finally getting some sleep.


The next morning, I decided to go on a hike with Daniel and Joey, then go grocery shopping with them.

"Ready to go?" Daniel asked, putting on his blue LA dodgers hat.

"Yep," Joey and I said in unison.

Daniel grabbed the car keys and we all went out to the car.

"Joey, why do you always get shotgun?" I asked, laughing a little.

"Because he's my boyfriend," Daniel answered, laughing before kissing Joey's hand.

I shook my head while laughing.

We finally made it to the site where the trail was, and I sighed once I saw the sign.

It said 10 miles on. Wow.

"Oh, fun." I joked.

Daniel laughed, knowing he'd walked the trail before.

"It's really not a lot, it's downhill a lot of the time." He told me.

I grabbed my water bottle and we started walking the trail.

"Look at the deer!" Joey pointed toward a bushy area.

We all looked, three deer looking back at us.

"Aww they're cute." Daniel said.

They soon backed up and ran off the other way.

We continued walking for the next hour or two, and finally heard the sweet sound of a waterfall.

"Finally," I groaned.

When we got to the waterfall, a long table with a vendor behind it was selling fruit, vegetables, and water.

We all bought water and filled up our bottles, and then we took pictures by the waterfall.

"I'm gonna go buy some stuff," I told Daniel and Joey.

I walked over to the vendor and bought avacados, strawberries, kale, and bananas.

When I looked to my left, I saw a big swimming hole with people in it, including a boy about my age staring at me. I shook it off.

I went and sat with Daniel and Joey, and we took some more pictures and hung out for a little while, giving our legs a break.

That's when I noticed it, the boy who was staring at me walking toward us.

Oh no.

"Hey I thought you were pretty cute and I was wondering if I could have your number?" He asked.

"Uhh.." I said awkwardly, darting my eyes at Daniel and Joey, silently begging them to help me out.

"Um- how old are you?" Joey asked.

The boy hesitated, "Eighteen."

"I'm sorry, I have a boyfriend." I told him.

"We can be friends?" He asked, looking between Daniel and I.

"Sorry- I don't think it'd be a good idea." I said.

"Okay," He nodded a few times and walked off to his friends. They sorta laughed at him. Is it bad that I felt kinda bad?

Not like I'd cheat on James or anything, but the guy was so confident coming over here.

I shrugged it off, and Daniel asked if I would tell James.

"I don't know," I said, picking at my fingernails.

He shook his head, laughing a little bit.

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