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Me: i cant get over our date yesterday i had soo much fun :)

Babe♡: i know. it was perfect

Me: you're perfect

Babe♡: nah princess thats you

Me: you're sweet

Babe♡: i try

I giggled at our messages, then put my phone on the charger and started on my homework.

I was trying to finish up a project due by tommorrow, but I wasn't even near finishing and I was stressed.

Piper was at her grandmothers house for the weekend, and it seemed like everyone else was busy too.

I sighed and took a piece of dark chocolate off the bar, hoping it would help me focus.

Two hours later, I had finished the project and all my other homework, and it was only 3:00.

Aunt Emma took Aiden and Julia to the park a few hours ago, and Daniel was out shopping with Joey, so it was just me.

I sighed, grabbing some rice cakes and spreading Nutella on them.

I grabbed a water and went out on the front porch, sitting on the swing out there and eating.

It was warm outside, thank god.

It was nearly April now, so soon enough it'd be getting hot.

After I finished eating, I went back inside and started to clean up the house a little, since it was a bit messy.

I even swept the hallways and everyones bedrooms, and the living room and kitchen.

I wiped off all the counters in the kitchen and started mopping.

Afterwards, I sprayed some air freshener around the house and sat down on the couch and started watching tv.

A little while later, I finally heard Daniel and Joey pull up, and I slid on shoes so I could help them carry in bags.

"Who cleans nearly the whole house?" Daniel asked as we made trips from the car to the house while carrying bags.

"I got bored," I shrugged.

He laughs, before thanking me.

We finally get all the bags in.

"Oh, Brynn, we got you some stuff. We went to the outlet mall too." Joey says, searching through the bags before handing me three of them.

"You shouldn't have." I say, shaking my head.

"Girl just look inside!" Joey said.

I smiled to myself before opening one of the bags, gasping.

"We knew you've wanted one for a while so we got you one." Daniel said.

My smile got wider as I looked at the black and white aztec tapestry in my hands.

"Thanks guys." I said.

I lookes through the other bags and found fairy lights to hang up in my room, some chokers and other necklaces, and a brand new pair of black and white Nikes.

"Oh my god, really?" I asked, looking at the shoes I've wanted for the longest time.

"You deserve it Brynn," Daniel smiled at me.

"You two are the best," I said, getting up and hugging them both.

They put the groceries away and showed me what they got for themselves.

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