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Babe♡: babyy guess what today is

Babe♡: i have a surprise for you

Babe♡: good morning darling wake uppp :)

Babe♡: i miss u princess

I smiled as I read all the messages he was sending me.

It was only 8:30 AM, and normally I wouldn't be this happy, but it's our one month so of course I was happy.

Apparently he had something planned out for today, although I told him I didn't want him doing anything big.

I was excited though, just me and him today.

I laid in bed a while longer on my phone, enjoying the warmth of it
until I finally got up and got in the shower.

After showering and changing into some clothes, I went downstairs and saw Daniel eating an acai bowl.

"Oooh make me one?" I asked him.

"There's one in the fridge for you," He said, nodding.

I got mine out of the fridge and grabbed a water bottle also.

I sat next to him at the countertop.

"Today is my one month with James," I said after a few minutes of eating.

"Awesome, what are you guys doing?" He asked, turning his head the other way and scratching the back of his neck.

"Like you don't know." I laughed.

He laughed, getting up and rinsing his bowl.

"Daniel please tell me!" I pleaded.

"No can do little cousin," He patted my head, making me frown.

I sighed, finishing my breakfast before walking outside and climbing up the treehouse.

I turned on the tv and began watching a movie.

I mean, what could we be doing, James hadn't texted me for the past two hours.

I feel like Daniel and him were quietly planning something.

I went back into the house to immediately have my eyes covered up by who I assume is Aunt Emma.

"Uh- what's going on?" I asked as she tied a bandana around my eyes.

"Secret stuff," I hear Daniel say. Aunt Emma confirms it.

"Ughhh," I groaned.

"You have to go upstairs," Aunt Emma said to me.

"Fine," I grumbled, walking away, only to run into a wall. Someone chuckled.

"James?" I asked, gasping.

What was he doing here?

"Hey babe," I heard him say.

"Can someone please tell me what's going on?" I whined, getting impatient.

"I'm here too!" I hear James mom say.

"Oh my gosh." I said.

"I'll help you walk up the stairs." James said, taking my hand.

We finally get upstairs and I go to take the bandana off my eyes, but he stopped me.

"But I wanna see you." I pouted.

"I promise we'll spend the rest of the day together in a little while, okay?" He said.

"Okay." I sighed.

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