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I lied in bed for a few minutes before finally stretching and sitting up.

I looked at the clock, 6:12 AM.

Grabbing some clothes, I made my way to the bathroom and got in the shower, washing everywhere before finally getting out.

I finally changed, and hoped it was a good enough outfit.

I wanted to show everyone I was okay and put-together, although I wasn't.

I was sure nearly everyone at school had heard about it. It had been featured in the news, the school officials were interviewed, the whole nine yards.

Sighing, I grabbed my backpack and keys and walked downstairs.

"Two days until your 17," Daniel reminded. I smiled a little.

Saturday was my seventeenth birthday, and we were all going rollerskating to celebrate. I was happy to be distracted by something fun.

Daniel handed me an acai bowl, and I happily sat down to eat it.

"James driving you today?" He asked.

"No, he had a club meeting at school this morning."

He nodded and walked to the living room to make sure Julia and Aiden were ready.

Aunt Emma walked in the kitchen, grabbing a water bottle.

"Hey, have a good day at school." She said, kissing my forehead before walking outside with Julia and Aiden trailing along.

I rinsed out my bowl and said bye to everyone before getting in my car and driving to school.

I finally parked near James' truck and got out and walked inside school.

I had missed three days, and I was probably so behind on a lot of my schoolwork.

Sitting in the cafeteria, I texted James where I was at so he could come and see me before class.

"Hey baby," He said as he sat down next to me.

"Hi," I said, leaning over and kissing him.

"Are you sure you're comfo-" He asked but I cut him off.

"I thought about it, it's fine. I know you're not like him so I shouldn't push you away. It's okay. I'm okay." I said truthfully.

He smiled at me, "I'm proud of you."

I laughed, taking a sip of my water before he kissed my cheek, making me blush.

He finally walked me to class and I sat down next to Piper.

"Hey, how have you been?" Piper asked.

"I'm okay," I said.

She nodded, then went back to doing her work.


"James, do you wanna come over and swim later?" I asked him as he walked me to my car.

"Yeah, sure." He said.

We finally got to my car and I leaned up against it. He stared at me.

"What?" I laughed.

"Nothing," He said, putting a piece of hair behind my ear. "You just look really pretty today."

That made me smile. "Awe thanks."

He kissed me bye, then gave me a long hug.

On the way home, I stopped and got some doughnuts and an iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts.

Once I got home, I went up to my room and finished all my homework while eating my donuts.

James texted me saying he was on the way, so I changed into my bikini.

I decided to already walk to the pond, figuring he could just meet me there.

I set my phone down on top of my towel and jumped into the water, the cool liquid making me feel better.

I swam around for a little while until James finally showed up.

"Heyy," I said, smiling.

"Hey cutie," He replied, before taking off his shoes and shirt to get in.

He got in the water and kissed me, then we basically started splashing each other and having a good time.

"I miss this," He said after a little while, resting his forehead on mine.

"Me too." I said honestly.

"But in other news, you're 17 on Saturday," He smiled.

"Please don't go overboard with gifts." I laughed.

"Why not?" He frowned.

I giggled and playfully slapped his chest.

"Are you trying to fight?" He asked, laughing.

"Square up." I giggled, getting close to his face.

He gripped my waist, making my stomach have butterflies.

"Or not.." I giggled, feeling my cheeks get red.

He glanced down at my lips, then leaned down and kissed me.

I smiled into the kiss.

After a little while, we decided to go back home.

I wrapped my towel around me and slid on my flip flops and lead the way.
We got back home, then dried off.

I changed into black leggings and a loose tee shirt with socks on.

I laid on my bed as he changed into the extra clothes he brought.

He came out of the bathroom wearing grey sweatpants, socks, and a white tee shirt.

He laid next to me, and suddenly I had a horrible flashback to the night of the party.

I immediately sat up and started coughing roughly.

"Brynn are you okay?" He asked, looling concerned.

I shook my head, and he handed me a water bottle on my desk.

I took a few breaths and took small sips of the water. I started feeling calm again.

"I'm sorry- I don't know what happened, just you laying there-" I started.

"It's fine," He sent me a smile.

I nodded and climbed in between his legs so we could cuddle.

I laid my head on his chest as he rubbed my back, planting small kisses on my forehead.

I missed this, a lot.

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