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"Oh my god, oh my god, we're gonna die." I yelled out as James sped down the road in his pickup truck.

"Calm down, the speed limit is fifty." He laughed.

"You ran a stopsign!" I yelled.

"Oh, whoops." He shrugs.

He was not a great driver like he told me he was.

He ran a stopsign, did ten faster than the speed limit, and now was swerving.

"James, maybe I should drive." I said.

I had my permit, so technically it was okay if I drove.

"Nah, it's cool." He replied.

He slowed down, making me feel a lot better.

We finally made it to the icecream place, much to my excitement.

"So is this is a date?" He asked as we crossed the parking lot.

"Sure," I said, not thinking twice about it.

"So its okay if I do this?" He asks, then entertwines my hand with his.

"Oh.. uh- yeah, cool." I stuttered a bit.

I'll be honest, I had never really dated before, so this relationship type stuff was basically all new to me.

I was also really nervous.

We got inside, the cool air conditoner hitting us in the face.

"What's your favorite kind?" He asked as we stood in line.

"Chocolate chip cookie dough," I say without question.

He laughs and shakes his head.

I check my back pocket to make sure I have my money and then order.

"Chocolate chip cookie dough in a medium cup with hot fudge topping." I say.

James orders birthday cake icecream with butterfingers topping and I wait for him as the line moves up.

When we got to the register, I pulled out my money, but James immediately stopped me.

"Did you really think I was going to let you pay?" He asked and handed the worker money.

I slightly smiled and followed James outside to the tables in the shade.

"I brought my own money ya know." I said and sat down across from him.

"I know," He says and takes a bite of his icecream.

Taking a bite of my icecream, I pulled my phone out of my pocket taking selfies, trying to drop the hint I wanted a picture with him.

"If you wanted a picture with me, you could've asked." He laughed.

"Okay." I giggled.

I laughed and scooted my chair over to his.

He immediately grabbed my phone and started taking a bunch of selfies.

He even planted his lips on my cheek for one of them.

"Oh my god, everyone is gonna think we're dating." I laughed.

"Is that a bad thing?" He asked.

"No, of course not." I said.

"See if people like us together then basically I'm perfect for you." He says, taking a bite of icecream, it going all over his nose.

"Whatever you say." I laughed.

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