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"Babee please let me go I have to use the bathroom," I whined as James and I laid in my bed after he slept over.

"Noo." He whined, kissing my shoulder.

I huffed, "I'll come back, I promise." I said.

"Fine," He said, letting his hands drop from my waist.

I finally got up and used the bathroom, washing my hands afterward.

I walked back into my dark room, shivering a little bit from the AC.

"I'm cold." I said as I climbed back into bed.

He wrapped his arms around me and planted kisses on my head.

"I wish we could stay here forever." I said, smiling at how he was playing with my hair.

"I love you so much," He whispered into my ear, making me blush bright red.

"I love you more," I said, smiling, although he couldn't see it.

"Noo I love you the most." He says.

His hands rubbed my back, making me almost fall asleep.

"What time is it?" I asked.

He rolled over, then resumed playing with my hair. "8:45."

"Too early," I said.

"Mmm- yea." He said, before making me turn over to face him.

"Babe I look so bad in the morning." I said, covering my face with my hands.
He removed my hands, then began kissing all over my face, not stopping.

I giggled, and I'm sure my face was red.

"You look beautiful all the time." He said.

"You're sweet." I smiled.

"I know." He laughed.

I giggled and then turned back over, closing my eyes.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"What does it look like I'm doing? Going back to sleep." I laughed.

"Okay." He said, kissing my shoulder.


When we both finally got up, James and I both got dressed and went downstairs to see Daniel and Aunt Emma cooking french toast.

I sighed, grabbing a cup and pouring orange juice.

"What time is that party?" I asked James.

"Oh- I don't know. I'll pick you up around 8:00 though." He said.

"She needs to be home before midnight," Aunt Emma said, pointing a large spoon toward James.

He nodded, "Got it."

I took some french toast, as did James, and we ate quietly.

I took a sip of orange juice, only to be interrupted by loud screaming.

"Julia hit me!" Aiden yelled.

"Oh lord." Aunt Emma sighed, before walking into the living room.

I rolled my eyes. Aiden and Julia never got along anymore.

Especially after what happened after my parents. I couldn't put my finger on why they suddenly seemed to hate each other.

I rinsed my plate off before putting it into the dishwasher and walking upstairs to my room.

I sat on my bed, closing my eyes. I felt really dizzy.

I took a sip of my water bottle in my room, shrugging it off.

James came up a few minutes later, telling me he was gonna go home.

I kissed him bye and then turned on some music and cleaned my room. I made up my bed, put away laundry, and finished some homework.

Afterwards, I walked downstairs to get a snack. "Daniel do we still have-"

I was cut off on my sentence to see Daniel giving Joey a big kiss.

"Aww," I said, smiling at the sight of them.

"What did you ask?" Daniel said, his cheeks a bit red.

"Do we still have bagels and cream cheese?" I asked again.

"Yeah." He said.

I grabbed a plain bagel from the cabinet and toasted it, then put berry flavored cream cheese on it.

"Mmm," I said, once I had taken a bite.

I pulled out my phone, to see a few texts from James.

Babe♡: hey, party starts @ 7, ill pick you up around 6:30. love you

I texted him back, then put my phone away.

"Hey Brynn do you wanna go workout with Joey and I at the gym?" Daniel asked me, coming in the kitchen wearing basketball shorts and a black shirt.

"Sure, let me get changed though." I said.

I went upstairs and changed into Nike shorts, a sports bra with a thin tank top over top, and the shoes Daniel had bought me.

I pulled my hair up into a ponytail, then took all my makeup off.

I walked back downstairs, grabbing my water bottle from the cabinet and filling it up.

"Ready?" Daniel asked.

"Yep." I said.


"I can't feel my legs." I groaned, walking in behind Joey.

"I can't feel my stomach." Joey whined.

We had worked our for two to three hours, and by now it was 5:00, so I needed to start getting ready for the party.

I showered, shaved everywhere, then put on lotion and the matching perfume.

I put on dark wash skinny jeans, a crop top, a hoodie on top, and converse.

I got Daniel to frenchbraid my hair, then did bright red lipstick because everyone in the family said I could pull it off.

I grabbed a waterbottle and told everyone bye since James was waiting outside.

"Renember be home by midnight!" Aunt Emma reminded.

I nodded, then went outside to James truck.

"Hey baby," He said, kissing me once I got in.

"Hi," I said, putting on my seatbelt.

"Where's this party at?" I asked, entertwining our hands.

"Other side of town." He said, making a left turn to get out of my neighborhood.

I nodded, then turned up the radio.

This was going to be fun, or at least I hoped so.

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