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"What am I even doing" I asked myself and chuckled. Just came from Cali not even 10 seconds ago and I'm back to my old ways, go after whoever I want doesn't matter if they're spoken for. Then again, what if its a mind game, females do that right? Either way I'm in. After a few minutes of sitting at a booth by myself at this not too shabby café I feel a hand come from behind me and go across my shoulder. "Hey stranger, I see you started the party without me?" Ashley laughs and points at my latte , I guess the one I spilled on your shirt wasn't enough huh, we both smile. "So are you going to keep making fun of our run in or are you going to help me with this math situation" I say breaking the moment we shared. "Oh, right! Um do you have a pen on you, I forgot mine" she said with a little pouty face. "Yeah, in my bag hold up". I grab my pen and hand it to her but it takes a while for her to let my hand go. That's when we were interrupted...."Josh! Oh my gosh when did you get back in town? Weren't going to tell anyone I bet" a faintly familiar voice says from the side of our table. "And I see you didn't waste time moving on" she says while looking at me and Ashley's hands wrapped around my pen. "Tracie...hey...I uhm....I've just been a bit occupied you know, returning home and all" I say after letting go of my pen and clearing my throat. "That's exactly what it looks like" she says right before storming off. I look at Ashley and she says, "going to sit there like a lost puppy or go after her?" I then reply with "are you sure you're okay? I'll be right back" and she grins and says "go get her tiger". I catch Tracie right outside the door and I'm able to get a slight grip of her arm, her skin still as soft as I remember. "I'm not with her, she just has a little schoolgirl crush" I explain. "Its whatever we're not together anymore I don't have a right to get jealous anymore, not like I still care" she says. "If that's the case then why haven't you made me let go of your arm yet and why'd you storm off like that" I said making us both look down at her arm and my hand slightly wrapped around it. She then punched me in the chest playfully, "cause you didn't tell me you were coming back and the first thing I see when you're here is you on a date with some chick". "Its not a date, I told you, it was just a bad choice of a "tutor" I said making us both laugh. She grabbed my hand and began speaking after a sigh of relief "Josh I missed you like crazy and I know we didn't end on good terms before you left". We didn't exactly have a clean break up. I was forced to move out of state and the distance just had such a bad effect on the relationship so I t was a mutual decision to end it. No doubt we were in love and of course I still love her. That kind of chemistry can't be forgotten. But I just don't want to start anything in case I move again. "Yeah well let's not talk about it, its history for a reason and I'd love to catch up but I think I should go back in there and get the help I need with my homework" I say offering a hug before starting to walk back to the door. "Well I still have the same number, text me" she says, not letting go of our hug too soon.

HeartlessTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang