A Little Fun (Troy's Perspective)

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I think it's funny he thinks that he has beaten me. Like I'd take the money and go. No, any man that kills his own brother is a psycho and I'm here to get justice for Josh. He didn't deserve what Grayson did and for that reason I'm not leaving until everyone sees Grayson for the evil son of a bitch he is. I know what you're thinking, "didn't you help him kill Jay" truth is, I did. And I regret it. At the time I was at the lowest point in my life and I needed money, money that Grayson had to offer. But I regret what I did. So after I expose Reeds, I will turn us both in and deal with the punishment I have brought upon myself. So are you on my side yet? Or has Gray given you trust issues. That bastard, I'm not going to fuck him over just yet. The fact that I'm here makes him nervous. So I'm gonna have a little fun....you know...get him on edge. I want him to lash out. Basically expose himself. It isn't hard, that hothead wants me to stay away from Tracie, I'll do the exact opposite. In fact, I've enrolled into their school so I could be closer so this should be a blast. Reeds you sly dog, its time you pay for what you've done, its time you grow the fuck up and suffer the consequences of the choice you made, murderer. There won't be any laying low for me. His ass is mine. So reader, buckle up, and let the games begin....Troy's in town, and he ain't leavin till Reeds is on his knees pleading for his life or should I say his brother's life.

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