We All Have Secrets

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"Oh my god Jay, what happened" she starts touching my face to see if I'm okay. "Got into a fight, that's why the wait was so long"
"A fight? With who? Why?"
Panicking I tell her it was with Blue.
"That asshole did this to you?"
"Trust me, he looks worse"
"Jay come inside, let me clean you up, where's the first aid kit"
"There's one in my closet"
She begins to walk towards my room when I no longer hear her footsteps my mom walks in. "Jay I lied to that girl" she says from behind me.
I turn around to thank her but she sees my face.
"What the hell is going on here Jay!" She yells.
"I got in a fight kok, nothing to worry about"
"You're full of lies, and I didn't raise you that way". She walks away to her room.
Then I walk to my bedroom and Tracie sits me down on my bed. "Here babe" she has a wet washcloth and starts wiping my cuts. "Thank you my love but I feel fine I just need a bandaid and I'll be good to go". She puts an alcohol patch on my cut to shut me up. "Agh take it easy Tracie".
"I'm gonna talk to that dickhead Blue"
"No need, he's leaving for Arizona tonight I thought I should give him a goodbye hit"
"So you started the fight?"
"Pretty much"
"Joshua Lloyd Williams what the fuck, you've never been a shit starter"
"Eh people change"
"That's what I was afraid of the moment you left" she puts the towel in a bowl full of red water and puts a band aid in my cut.
"Lay down Jay, I'm spending the night to make sure you're fine"
"Well okay but don't hog the blanket I say trying to make her laugh"
She looks at me with her annoyed face and takes the bowl to my aibk to pour it out then she comes to my bed.
"Kept your spot warm"
"Want another cut Jay?" She says playfully putting her hands up looking like she's ready to fight.
"Girl if you don't turn off that light and get over here" she turns it off and I immediately grab her and start tickling her. Then I feel the pain in my ribs and she gets scared. "Oh shit Jay are you okay? Maybe you should just go straight to sleep"
"Maybe I should" I let her go and go back to my side of the bed and she comes to cuddle and lays her head on my chest.
"Babe, this doesn't hurt right" she asks.
"I wouldn't care if it did" I tell her.

HeartlessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora