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I think there's something you should know. As I tell my story you should know it's not MY story. Confusing, I know. Thing is, I'm not Josh. I'm his twin brother, I've come to steal his life. He always got what I wanted without even trying because he was thought of as the only child. Now it's my turn. You're probably wondering where is your sweet Jay. He's in California. In a box. 6 feet under. If you know what I mean. I know that because I caused it. We were seperated at birth so that's why anyone associated with him doesnt know it's me. I even fooled his mother! Took me 10 years to meet him. So I wasted no time in taking what's mine. I studied his life, his friends, his activities, his everything. So mistakes will not be made. So without further or do, I bring to you....Grayson Reeds. And I'm heartless.....

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