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My name is Joshua Williams. I'm not your average guy. I'm rich, handsome, dangerous, I am what the girls would call a "bad boy". But everything changed when I met this girl. I was no longer the same Josh. I was "love struck Josh". And this is how it happened.

I just moved from California to Texas. Tomorrow will be my first day at my new high school. I can just feel the looks I will be getting, and the drama that comes along with them. I guess being rich is an open invitation to being judged.

"Josh, wake up hun, don't want to be late on the first day!" my mom screams from the hallway. I get up, grab my clothes and head straight to the shower. After showering, and breakfast I grab my car keys and head out the door.

As I pull up to the building, people start to look at my car. I drive an Infinity, but I dont think thats the reason they were so interested. I guess they knew I was practically raised by money.

"Hey what's up dude, I'm Tyler but you can call me Ty", some guy walked up to me and just started talking. He was a "player" you know, the type of guy who gets athletic awards and gets the girls. "Uh hey man I'm Josh", I say. "This your ride bro?" , he asked while pointing at my car. "Yeah, I guess you could say I'm not a bike rider haha" I said trying to show humor. "um ok, well I'm gonna show you around bro, you know, fill you in on the ladies ha" Ty says while we start walking towards the building.

"Bro, this is the-" Ty starts talking but I'm not even paying attention anymore. I see this girl walking down the hall to what looks like the principle's office. "hello? dude you are totally checking her out" he says laughing while I'm still fascinated. "huh? what? oh I was...uh...I was-" he interrupted the lie I was about to say." Whatever man, just don't go after her, she's not worth it and plus she is going out with this jerk named Blue."Blue? what kind of name is that?" I asked. "The kind of name that will be staying out of your mouth if you know what's good for you", Blue says from behind us." "Well if it isn't Blue, the guy that always has his panties in a bunch" Ty says, making everyone in the hallway laugh.Blue grabbed me and Ty by our shirts, "look, you two obviously dont know who you're dealing with, if I have to have this conversation with you two again, it ain't gonna be pretty". "Blue! let them go!", The girl that I saw go into the principle's office screams from the doorway. He then let's us go and Ty just had to say it, "good boy, you want a treat?" once again, everyone found themselves laughing and Blue walked away with his girl. "Come on babe."

"Dude that was fun!" Ty says jumping up and down. " Man your crazy, Blue would've killed us if it weren't for that girl", I say trying to calm him down. "Who?, Ashley?, psh he wouldn't have done anything." So that's her name, Ashley.

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