For every door closed, a new one opens.

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I still can't believe what happened tonight. For some reason I liked it. A girl that makes me work for it. I could get used to her. Interrupting my daydream, a text vibrates my phone.

From Tracie:
Jay I can't describe how much I've missed you.

I could've sworn she told me to text her but I guess she couldn't wait. So I reply with, "the feelings mutual but I think the damage had gone too far". She then replied with, "We'll find a way, we always did". I left her on read and put my phone back in my pocket and went into the house. I can't just return after a year and a half and go back to how it was with her. Things were done, words were said. But I will not lie to myself. There will always be a small part in my heart for her. I just can't let her know, ever. She deserves better than me. I throw my bag on the counter and a piece of paper is stuck under the silver clip on my pen that fell out. I grab it and unfold it to read,

"Let me know when you're ready to do it the right way, Ashley"

And she left her number on the bottom right corner. This girl man, she really gets me somehow. I have a slight grin and I pull out my phone and call the number. "Let me guess, latte Jay?" Was the first thing she said when she answered the phone. I laughed and said "that's gonna stick isn't it?" She then giggled and said "awe take a joke handsome". Then I said "pretty sure I take them well considering I still called you after you ditched me in the bathroom. "Had to get your attention somehow" she said in an imitating pouting voice. "I broke up with him in case you were wondering" she said out of eagerness. "Blue is just an asshole that wanted me off limits" she continued. Then I said "so what you're saying is, I get a chance, one point for latte Jay, zero for blue the noob" we both laugh hysterically. I stepped it up a bit. "Have lunch with me tomorrow, I'll take you wherever"
"So like a date?"
"Uh...if you want it to be"
"Okay Mr.Hot stuff I'll sleep on it"
"Alright well, let me know if its a little too forward and goodnight beautiful"
"Too forward is exactly how I like it, goodnight Jay" she said before hanging up.
Jay, what have you gotten yourself into.

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