Chosen Ones

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But you can't tell anyone bro not even your mommy when she tucks her baby boy in bed. "So how do I unlock these...powers, I haven't felt them in me for as long as I've lived"
"Its the tattoo, once you find a purpose for your powers it lights up and it'll unlock everything for you"
"Well I have a dilema so I'm confused as to why I'm still normal"
"With power, come a great responsibility T"
"I know but I just-"
"Need to expose Grayson? Or Reeds as you keep calling him in your head"
"Hey man get out of my head"
"I wouldn't be in your head if you had your powers, it also gives you a shield towards these kinds of things"
"So there are more like us?"
"Yeah, we're the chosen ones, the fact that your tattoo is a full sleeve says you're about to unlock everything, most people just have a half sleeve"
"Jacks, my problem is time sensitive"
"Yeah I know, I'm in your head"
"Oh shit, that's right man I need this stuff these gadgets"
"T you can't look at it as a toy"
"I know I just....."
"Need it" he finishes it for me.

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