(T) Confrontation

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All Grayson can do is stare at Tracie in disbelief that she just found out.
"No Tra-"
"Don't you fucking lie to me after I heard the truth from a stranger"
"Its me, its Ja-"
She interrupted him with a slap that the whole world might've heard. He stood up and I could see the anger in his eyes as he looked at me.
"Why am I barely finding out about Jay's twin" she asked him angrily.
"We were separated at birth"
"So you fucking let me believe Im having the love of my life's baby when instead its from some guy I don't even know?!" She raised her voice.
"No! You know me, you're the only person that got to know the real me"
"Because you portrayed yourself as Jay!"
"But everything with you was real I swear, it wasn't some game to me" teas began to roll down her eyes.
"Where is he"
"Don't ask questions you can't handle the answer to"
"Where the fuck is Jay....whatever the hell your name is"
"Its Grayson" he said calmly then walked out.
She looked at me, still crying.
"Thank you for telling me"
"Wait, you're pregnant?" I asked her while reaching for the tissues.
"Yeah, I don't know what to do, I feel violated, I'm carrying an evil bastards baby, do you know where Jay is?"
"You're going to want to sit down for this" I say about to spill the truth.
"I don't want to lie to you and you can hate me after I tell you but....Grayson paid me to kill Jay so he could takeover his life"
"No....no...he's not...." It was hard for her to speak through her tears.
"Tracie I'm so sor-"
"Leave" she interrupted me.
"As you wish" I got up and started walking out but I heard her talking to herself.
"Jay my love, you can't be dead" she begins.
"You just can't be" she wiped her tears and stood up so I walked out.
All of a sudden I'm grabbed and shoved into a wall.
"Did you enjoy your damn show Troy!" Grayson yells at me.
"Well it depends, did you enjoy that slap?"
"You son of a bi-" he tries to punch me but I catch his fist and started crushing his knuckles.
"You know, you have a sucky right hook but some strong bones there Reeds" I piss him off more and he manages to take me to the ground and he pulls out a gun then puts it to my throat.

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