The Devil May Cry

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"How about we go get something to eat" I offer Tracie waking her up with a kiss on the forehead.
"Can't we just stay in this bed forever"
"If we could do that I wouldn't be offering lunch" I tell her, laughing and gripping her tighter.
I don't know what's going on with me. You think I'm playing a role but the way she loves "me" gives me a natural feeling to love her back. Don't get ahead of yourself, I'm not in love I just.....I don't want to lie to her. But at the same time I don't want to get out of this bed with the most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on. She gets on top out of nowhere.
"How," she says with a kiss on my neck between every word.
"Sounds so good to me".

Eventually we got out of bed but took turns staring at each other get dressed. Her body is like a work of art. A canvas that Jay gave color to. A painting that he left meaning in, every time he touched it. I got a text out of nowhere.

Haven't heard from you all day, probably cause you're shacked up with that "old friend of yours, yeah my friend saw her get in your car scumbag"

Tracie was reading it over my shoulder. "Old friend huh?"
"I was overwhelmed at the moment"
"Jay, I don't care what you said cause now it doesn't matter I fucked you back into my arms and no other girl could take you away". I don't know what's worse. The fact that I accept it, or the fact that she's saying it to Jay and not me but I still accept it. Mr.Reeds you've definitely outdone yourself this time.
"How about that lunch I promised you babe?" I ask her wrapping my arms around her waist and kissing her while she's doing her hair in the mirror. "Of course honey, let me finish getting ready.
This is bad isn't it? Trust me, finding interest in Tracie used to be part of the plan but now it's serious. You might see me as evil but I swear Tracie changes everything. I can't hurt her, I won't hurt her. Because she loves me. And I....and I've got other plans for other people.

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