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I woke up with a huge smile. Like I'm a little kid again and its Christmas. Ashley is just different man. I hope she says yes to our date but then again, who says no to me, JayJay Williams. Or Jay. Just...Jay haha. Oh man she messed up my mojo. Since when does a female affect me like that? Well...since after Tracie. I've been trying to pick the right cologne for the past five minutes, I'll be late to school if I keep this going.

"Aye bud!" Ty says while leaning on my car after I park. "Gonna wipe that off or?"
"Relax bro, its just a smudge"
"Heads up, I possibly ignored your advice and went after Ashley"
"Ashley? Blue's girl? That's what I'm talking about bro fuck that guy" he said while laughing and patting me on the back.
"Blue's EX girl, and don't look at it as a gamepoint against him, she's a nice girl, and obviously hot" I tell him while pushing him off the car.
"We should probably get to class Jay". We walked into the building and I went straight to my class, as if I could fast forward time. Two class periods later I bump into Blue by accident. "Hey dickwad watch where you're going" he said making everyone stop and look at us.
"You know what Blue, fuck you, want to continue bumping your gums? Or you wanna actually do shit?" I said. Then he steps up to me and out of no where my old buds Lucky, Joker, Spiff and Ace get between him and I. "Yo we got a problem here puto?" Ace says bucking up to Blue. "Tell your little bitch to stay away from my girl" Blue says while backing away. Speaking of the devil, Ashley comes around the corner. "Hey babe, ready for that lunch date?" She says, passing Blue without even looking at him and coming to me leaning in for a kiss. But My boys stopped her. "Hold on there princess, the fuck makes you special enough to go through us to Jay" says Ace. "Guys, she's with me" I say grabbing her hand to pull her towards me and grinning at Blue while he watches her kiss me. Wait. You seem upset. Ohhhh I see, I didn't tell you about my boys aha I'll admit, kind of dropped the ball on that one, you'll get over it right? You're an understanding reader correct? Well you could be.
"What the fuck is this Ashley?" Blue says angrily. "Looks like you're holding up our lunch date hun" she says without letting go of me. He steps towards me as if he wants to fight but Joker decks him right in the face and layed him out. "Anymore pinche volunteers or conspirators?" Ace says. "Shut the fuck up puto you don't even know how to use that word" Lucky says to Ace and makes us all laugh. "Can we go Jay?" Ashley asks then I turn to her and say, "one more thing". I walk up to Blue seeing that he's realizing his nose is bleeding and he says "what just happened?" Then I grabbed him by his dirty ass shirt and pull him towards me and I say, "checkmate". Then we all walked off.

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