T:Partner in Crime

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"What's up man, I'm Jackson but you can call me Jacks" the guy next to me said.
"I'm Troy Evans, people call me T"
"You want to skip this dumb ass class?" He asked me.
"I was just about to ask you the same thing" I tell him laughing.
We both get up and start walking towards the door and Mr. B tries to stop us. "Where are you two going want another detention Jackson?" Jacks walks up to Mr.B's desk and slowly runs his finger across it till he runs into duck tape. "Aye Troy how about some fun with this dickhead here" he tosses me the tape and he forces Mr.B into his chair then I go around the chair taping him to it. "Someone call the principal!" Some nerd stands up to do so but I stop him before he even leaves his desk, "you sit the fuck down" he sits immediately. I put tape on Mr.B's mouth. "Alright T let's go" then we leave and everyone was getting up too. I'm starting to like this guy.
"So where we headed to Jacks"
"First I gotta show you something" he gestures towards a janitors closet.
We walk in and he gives himself space.
"T I want you to know something" he snaps his fingers and a fire starts on the finger tips.
"Damn Jacks that's dope" he then looks at me and his eyes turn red.
"Wait, I can do that too, but I can't do the fire thing" then he takes off his leather jacket and I see we have the same Dragon tattoo.
"Holy shit, you knew since I walked through the door"
"Yeah and heads up, you can do much more than you think"
"Wait seriously, well what all can you do"
"I control the elements, I have mind control, and that temper thing"
"So what you're saying is....we have..." I can't even bring myself to say the word.
"T we have powers, I'll teach you how to use them".

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