(Tracie) Too Quiet

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Its been a week since I've been bothered by Grayson, I think he's planning something. Its been quiet at school, no surprise messages, no weird coincidences. It's finally normal but don't get me wrong, he's a psychopath so I'm still on the lookout for him.

Today has been slow, each class has been more boring than the last. I'm on my way to the class I have with Troy and I'm not sure if I'm ready to talk to him yet. But despite my efforts to avoid him he's constantly tried for my forgiveness.
"Hey Tracie, I saved you a spot"
"Troy, what makes you think I want to be near you"
"I know, I'm just.... I don't know"
I walk over to the other side of the room where I spot another desk.

After class I walk to the cafe. A warm coffee and a study session sounds nice right about now. After a few hours of constantly being interrupted by my overthinking I decide to pack up and walk home. After I crossed the street I hear someone behind me say my name. I turn around, and it's Grayson.
"Hey beautiful I-"
"Shut up and don't take another step" I pull my dad's gun out and aim it at him.
"No Tracie It's-"
"Not another word Grayson!"
"Tracie I'm-" he's interrupted by a shot to the side. After I see him fall to the ground I realize I can't be seen as a murderer so I kneel down and he grabs my hand and says my name softly. I called the ambulance and within 10 minutes we're both in the back of it on our way to the hospital as I hold his hand. I mean after all he is the father of my child and at some point whether I knew it was him or not, I fell in love with him. When we got to the hospital they took him to immediate surgery and stopped me at the double doors near the waiting room. Hour after hour I waited to hear from them, but nothing. I texted Troy and let him know what happened. He said he'd be here but it's just been me. Waiting to hear that I didn't just kill Grayson.

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