T:First Day

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First day of school for Troy Boy. Be aware, shits about to pop off sometime today, Reeds has a temper.
I pull up and I'm already getting looks. Looks I bet his ugly ass didn't get. I get out of my Lamborghini seeing a lot of females staring at my full sleeve dragon tattoo. I was past a group, "hey I'm Troy" I flash my millionaire smile and they all blush and wave back. I walk in the building and the first person I see is Gray. "What's up classmate" I say from behind him.
He hasn't turned around yet but he's already saying "you've got to be fucking kidding me"
"So not the warm welcome I was expecting, I was hoping you'd help me find my class"
"Fuck you Troy. Find it yourself"
I grab his throat and push him into a janitors closet holding him up against a shelf by the grip.
"Now is that anyway to talk to the guy who could end your shit in the blink of an eye" he starts struggling to breathe and I've lifted him off the floor by my grip on his throat. "Uh oh someone's having shortage of breath, maybe if you showed some fucking respect you wouldn't have that problem!" I begin to see him get woozy. "Coward" I drop him on the floor and walk out of the closet leaving him there. He's gasping for air holding onto his neck. On my way out I see Tracie and coincidentally she drops something. I pick it up and catch up to her. "Hey beautiful you dropped this" I hand her the paper. "Oh my god thank you, if I didn't show up with this assignment I would've gotten a late grade.
"Well fortunately you caught my attention slightly before you dropped it" I smile.
"Awee you're so sweet, thanks again um.."
"Oh! Its Troy aha I'm the new guy, tell Jay I said what's up, we were friends back in Cali"
"Oh really? That's cool, well I'll see you around..." She almost forgets but we say it at the same time. "Troy" we both laugh then walk away.

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