Meeting the Boss

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This Chase guy had me at "China". While the others listened to what he had to say, I was trying to figure out how we got here. I had it all figured out after a few moments, but I didn't understand how he knew about the show. But my thoughts were interrupted by 4 men who started shoving us out of the restaurant.

"As they say," Chase called after us. "What happens in Macau, uh, I don't know the rest because it's in Chinese."

Outside of the restaurant, there were 3 black suburbans running, and the men shoved us in the 1 in the far back. Me and (Y/N) sat in front of Danny and Marritt. A moment later, Chase entered the van, and sat next to the driver. The suburbans started moving. 

"It's all about blind-spots," Chase started explaining. "When you're staring straight at something and not see it, why? Blind-spots."

I honestly couldn't care less about blind-spots or whatever. I knew we needed to tell Dylan where we were. I knew Danny had it drilled into his head that he was our leader, but he wasn't. He's to egotistic to be a good leader, he'd think about himself before the rest of us, he probably didn't realize it.

"We learned that together, didn't we bro?" Chase asked, in an even more annoying tone. "Did he tell you we were partners? Once? No, I didn't think so. The Mini-McKinneys."

Then I zoned out for a moment, with Chase singing(rather horribly) in the background, focusing on where we were going. We were driving on a brick road northeast of the restaurant we landed in. There were dozens of neon signs written in Chinese, and the further we drove, the more casinos I started seeing. I zoned back in to what Chase was saying. 

"-And Mer-bear did it on his own and got a taste of the solo thing and," Chase paused for a few much-needed seconds of silence. "Kicked me to the curb."

"Aw, God," I whispered to myself in annoyance, and leaned by head back.

"Chase you win," Marritt admitted. "I can see. Just tell me how you did it."

"Delivery guy came to your door, 'bout a month ago. Little 'za."

"Za?" Danny repeated, confused.

"Pizza?" Marritt answered. "A delivery guy came to the scrapyard and asked if the address was d3375. Told him it wasn't, and that's all I remember because I was knocked unconscious."

"So what I did, my little roommate he downloaded all of your private information to my employer with all he needed."

"Nice," Danny said. "But how did you know where to find him?"

"That is a very good question Atlas," Chase replied, before turning around and facing front.

"Wait, I was living with you when this happened where were me and Jack when this happened?"  (Y/N) asked. 

He turned around again for a moment to answer "I believe you 2 were getting a scotch at the nearby Scottish bar."

I shrugged. "Sounds like something we would do. I think Marritt wasn't feeling the best so he stayed behind."

"Yeah, sounds about right," she added. "Wait, did you look through any of my stuff?"

"You bet," Chase answered.

"How much?"

"All of it. Every last thing."

"Ugh," she replied, crossing her arms over her chest. "Disgusting."

Chase laughed, and I could tell that (Y/N) was getting embarrassed, annoyed, and angry.

"Can I kill him?" she whispered to me through a clenched jaw.

As much as I wanted to say yes and that I'd help her hide the body, I answered with a stern "no," like something a mother would tell their child.

"Why not?"

"Because he and his employer may be our only ticket home," I reasoned.

"You're no fun."

"I know, the world is going to end."

About half an hour later, we pulled up to Sands Casino. "Just follow the guards, and they'll take you to my boss," Chase said.

We got out of the van, and waited for the 2 of the other guards to get out of the back of the other van, which was leading the other 2. 

"It's been fun playing cat and mouse with you, broski," Chase told Marritt. "Meow," he added, and the window rolled up, and the vans drove away.

We started following the guards to an elevator. I led the other Horsemen, and (Y/N) was at the back, looking around at the inside of the casino. 

The interior of the casino was rather classy. The walls were a sandy brown with gold designs, and the carpets were red. The gambling tables were made of mahogany with green velvet, and the bar was made of marble. 

The gamblers were mostly middle-aged Chinese men, wearing nice black suits or dress pants and a dress shirt. All of the women who were gambling were dressed in a very playful yet classy manor, with cocktail dresses(normally black or red) and stilettos. The servers were all dressed in either grey tuxedos or skin tight blue cocktail dresses(which were very revealing). 

"Classy place," I heard Danny mutter from behind me.

"Yeah," I agreed. "I wonder which one of these guys is going to be our...temporary employer?"

The guards led us to an elevator, and we all entered, with the guards in the corner, as the door closed, and we started going up. I looked around at everyone. Marritt was looking up at the ceiling, silently mouthing something to himself. Danny was looking down at the floor, cracking his knuckles. (Y/N) was looking straight ahead, with the locket in her fingers. She saw me staring, and she looked at me. She smiled, and I smiled back at her. As the elevator slowed down, a song started. I immediately recognized the guitar intro of Purple Haze by Jimi Hendrix. The elevator door behind me opened, and we all turned around. 

The room was large, with white walls, white marble, and a balcony. On that balcony, was a dark haired man in a white suit, throwing a playing card from one hand to another. After a few times, he missed, sending the card to the other side of the room. He turned around to look at us. "Ta-da!" he said, slightly embarrassed.

The man was Walter Mabry.

He died a year ago.

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