Vodka, Reddi Wip, and Nutella in 10° Weather? Sure, Why Not?!

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An hour after you finished washing dishes, you found yourself with Jack outside, wearing your trench coats, and sitting on top of the compressed cars. You each had a can of Reddi Wip, and you were sharing a bottle of cheap vodka and a jar of Nutella, as you talked, Jack sitting on your left side.

"So, what got you get into magic?" Jack asked at one point. "I know your grandfather got you into it, but was there a trick specifically?"

You shrugged. "The first time I saw him perform metamorphosis, I knew I wanted to be him up on the stage." 

He nodded, and grabbed the vodka from you, and took a sip. 

"What about you?" you asked, as you sprayed a small dollop of whipped cream into your mouth. 

"First grade, our teacher's husband came into class and passed a quarter through my teacher's water bottle. Then the next week he came in and performed a simple card trick. I was the most curious out of everyone to know how he did it."

"Lemme guess, when you asked how he did it he just told you 'magic'?"

"Yeah. Then I rented a book on magic from the library and the rest was history, I guess."

You smiled at the thought of a 6-year old Jack watching his teacher's husband perform a card trick, completely bug-eyed. You sprayed some more whipped cream into your mouth.

"Hey," Jack got your attention.

"Whu?" you asked, your mouth still slightly open, and the whipped cream sitting on your tongue.

He leaned over, and kissed you. You quickly realized it was all a trick, as he sucked the whipped cream out of your mouth. He pulled away, grinning widely. 

"Hey!" you exclaimed, as you stuck your finger in the Nutella, and wiped it on his face. You licked it off, laughing.

"Good God how drunk're you?"

"I've had 5 sips of vodka tonight. You've had 7."

He took his can of Reddi Wip and sprayed it on your cheek. Maybe out of annoyance, or maybe because he was a little tipsy. Who knows. 

"Hey!" you laughed, leaning away from Jack. "That tickles!"

He leaned on you, and sucked the whipped cream away. You used your sleeve to wipe away the stickiness. You felt your phone vibrate, and you pulled it out. It was an email, from Henley. You and Henley emailed back and forth often, mainly when you became a Horseman, to get to know what you were getting into. It was 3 news articles. 

"Who is it?" Jack asked.

"Henley. Eh, I'll answer her later."

"Oh," he said, before shaking the red spray can slightly. You quickly pulled up the camera on your phone, and took a picture of him just as he sprayed the whipped cream into his mouth. You posted it on Instagram, with the caption Shout-out to Merritt McKinney for buying 3 cans of whipped cream, a jar of Nutella, and a bottle of Vodka right before the OCTA show.

"So, how were your first few days on your own?" you asked Jack. "After your mom was deported?"

"Lonely and depressing. I spent my days hanging around my apartment, eating frozen pizzas and drinking cheap wine out of the bottle in nothing but my boxers. You?"

You tried not to laugh at the last piece of that comment. "I made my way to Nevada. They were very calm days. It was the first time I didn't have to worry about anything or anyone other than myself. When my parents were alive, I constantly had to worry about them overdosing, but then I didn't."

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