Chapter Eleven

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Sorry for the delay for this chapter.. A lot of things have been happening first off with my mom going to the hospital then my family almost getting in a car crash.. Yea.. But we're all fine so no need to worry ^~^ so yea here it the next chapter! READ ON MY LOVELIES!!

Song; Go Hell For Heavens Sake~Bring Me The Horizon


Jack's P.O.V.

"Jack. What's up? You've been staring at Ally for like 10 minutes." Alex says getting me out of the trans I was in. But was I staring at her for that long? Great, Jack she probably thinks you're a freak.

"Um, nothing. It nothing." I said trying not to stutter. I knew he didn't buy it though because he had a smirk and we all know that when Alex does that he knows what's up. The last person I want to know what's going on is alex, I mean yea he's my best friend but seriously he's a blabber mouth especially when he's drunk.

"Okay I see you don't want me knowing you like Ally that's cool. A little hurt but cool." I roll my eyes and just glared at him. He laughed and turned his attention back to his conversation he was having with Vic and Ron. But what I thought through my head was that he said I liked Ally and that's just crazy because that's not me. Hate to admit but I'm a one night stand kind of guy, not a relationship guy. (A/N: I love Jack and I don't know if he is a one night stand kind of guy or anything just in my story he is c:) god, what is wrong with me. Okay yea I'm gonna admit Ally's gorgeous but she's dating Jacky and he's my friend I wouldn't do that to him, actually I can't do that to him. Plus it looks like she's really happy with him and I don't want to be the one to ruin it.

"Jack? Hello?? Earth to Jack." I look up from looking at my hands to see Ryan waving his hand in front of me with everyone looking at me.

"Erm.. Yea?"

"You okay? You've been quite ever since you got on the bus." Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Umm.. It's nothing. I'm okay, just tired that's it." I said getting up and walking to my bunk. I could here everyone ask Alec if i was okay and I swear to god if he says anything I will kill him in his sleep. I got to my bunk and slid in with ease and just fell asleep. I guess a few hours past because I feel somebody shaking me awake. But the person is shaking me really hard and is going to make me fall out of my-

"Ahh! Erg..." Yup too late.

"Wake up ya dickhead. Hah!" Alex... He's the dickhead.

"What do you want Alex?" I said still lying on the floor.

"For you to get your lazyass up." Ugh I don't want to get up..

"I don't want to get up. Just go away."

"Come on Jack I'm hungry and we're all going out to eat." I'm hungry too.

"Fine. Give me 5 minutes." I said looking up at Alex and saw him nod. So after he left I got up and went to the bathroom and thanks god with this bus we have a shower. I took a shower and did all those bathroom things. But when I got out of the bathroom everyone was gone but Alex.

"Where is everyone?" I asked looking at Alex.

"They went to the restaurant and said they'd wait for us to order." I nodded my head and grabbed my phone and sweater since it was kinda cold. I was walking off the bus when Alex stopped me by my arm. I looked at him with confusion.

"What's up with you man? You haven't been yourself lately." Alex said. I just sighed.

"It's nothing Lex. Don't worry about it." I said trying to make this conversation go away.

Miserably Shy ( A Jacky Vincent Love Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon