Chapter Thirty Two

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I believe this will be the last chapter.. Okay well I'll shut up and let you read while I hope you guys don't hate it and think its utter shit hah. Happy reading♥

Song; Color Me Crazy ~Austin Jones


Allison's P.O.V.

I opened the door to see Ryan on the other side. You were shocked and went for a hug right away. I couldn't stop smiling while hugging him because I was happy to see him but when I looked behind him to see if anyone else was here, there was no one. The put a frown on my face.

"Where is everyone?" I asked letting go of him.

"It doesn't matter right now Ally, right now we have to get you out of here" He said frantically and tried to pull me out of the house.

"No, no, Ryan I'm not leaving.." I said hesitatingly afraid of his reaction and sure enough he had a look that said 'Are you crazy?!'

"In no way am I letting you stay here with that monster. Now, let's go Allison." I knew he was only trying to keep me safe but he didn't know that our father has changed. I also was't a child anymore.

"No. Ryan, come inside please? I'll explain everything and maybe even someone else will.." I trailed.

"Oh hell no am I getting near that bastard. He hurt you and me, Ally! You're just gonna forgive him just like that?" He argued loudly. All I wanted to do was put everything behind us and move on, was that so much to ask for?

"Ryan, please, hear me out.. I love you, you know that but I just want everything to go back to the way it was before all this happened.." I started to tear up because this is everything I've always wanted. To have my family back as one.

"Ally.. I don't know.. I don't want anything happening to you.." He said slowly. I nodded understanding but some how I knew nothing would happen because I trusted my dad, even though he had no right to have my trust, he had it and I hope he treasures it.

"Ryan.. I know I messed up badly forever ago but please I don't why I did it. I guess I was just so heart broken that I didn't have my son in this world anymore.." My father said looking heart broken. But when I looked over at Ryan he looked even more pissed off.

"So that gives you the goddamn right to take it out on your daughter?!  No.. I'm sorry Ally but if you want this jackass in your life again I don't think I can. I love you and I always will but he doesn't deserve your trust, your love, your anything for that matter. I'm not gonna make you deside between me or him because I know that won't solve anything but if you really want him in your life, you can, I just won't be in it.." You looked at Ryan mortified. You never knew this is something he thought so strongly about. He looked at me one last time before heading out the door without a single glance back.

"Ally.." My father started, "go with him.. he knows whats best for you. You dont need me in your life anymore. I have givin you so much hell all your life and there is no way I can make it up to you and if you stay I am going to be taking one of probably many people that dearly love you away.. But before you go.. I have to tell you something, okay?" I looked at him and nodded. "Know that I didn't lay a hand on your mother. I didn't hurt her in anyway. I absolutely did not kill her. Do you understand that I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I did that? Ally, your mom ran away. She left a long time ago and she's somewhere in this world but I don't know where or I'd tell you. But the only reason I tell you this is because I want you to find her and get her back into your life. You two were inseperable just like you and Ryan.. please will you do that? and leave me behind.. just like those horrible memories that I gave you." He finished and with tears in his eyes he hugged me pushing me out the door. 

"I love you daddy.." I say before running outside hoping Ryan was still there but instead of running into Ryan I run into someone else. I look up at the person and I instantly hug the living shit out of him. 

"Allison. Oh my god. please don't ever do that ever again. I thought I would never see you ever again. I love you so much you don't understand." I only nodding because I couldn't put words together at the moment. 

We hugged for so long we ended up starting to sit on the ground while still hugging.

After what seemed like forever I finally looked at him in the eyes. The eyes I fell in love with when I first met him and the eyes I missed so damn much. I kissed him and cried. 

"Never thought I would be able to do that again.." He said pulling away from my lips.

"Jacky.. don't be silly.. we would have seen each other again." I say to him stroking his cheek.

"I know, but I just didn't know when I would be able to again. I love you so much Allison.." He said softly.

"I love you too, Jacky.. forever and always." I say and hug him tightly like if at any moment he could drift away from me if I loosen my grip on him. 


So as I said this is the last chapter! I hope you guys liked this story as much as I did! I know that this ending was kind of sucky but I didn't want to drag it on and on when I it didn't need to be. Well what do you guys think of this chapter? I hope you liked it! Give me feedback on the whole story and or this chapter cause it would be greatly appreciated! I love you guys so so so so much and I hope you have a great day!!

P.s. Should I possibly do a sequel? 

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