Chapter Twenty-Four

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Song; Stomach Tied In Knots ~ Sleeping With Sirens


Allison's P.O.V.

"Nooooo!! No! Ryan let me go! Please! Please..." I stopped trying to fight my brother and just sank to the ground sobbing. Ryan stayed with me and just hugged me.

"Shh... shh.. Ally.. It'll be alright..." Ryan tried and tried to get me to calm down but I wouldn't have it.

"How can you say that when I have just lost the only person I have ever loved and you just lost one of your best friends, Ryan!!" I screamed at him with anger. That should be me in the hospital bed dead not Jacky! That should be me!

"Ally, you don't know that he's gone. The doctors are trying and we can only hope." With every word that he's saying I gain a little bit of hope. But it's barely any.

All the doctors and nurses filed out of the room and one doctor motioned Ryan to talk to him. He let me go and walked up to the doctor.

I didn't dare look at either of them in case there was bad news and right now I need good and happy news. I need someone to say that everything will be all right and that my crazy of an ex boyfriend and father were going to jail for the rest of their lives.

"Ally..? Come on.. Let's go by the others.." I looked up at Ryan and with pleading eyes I tried to get him to tell me what the doctor said, "I'll tell you along with the others." I nodded at him even though I wanted him to tell me now. But I also didn't want to push it.

We go to everyone else and all eyes were on me.

"Is everything alright? How is Jacky..?" Ronnie asked. Everyone looked at me for the answer to the questions but little did they know I didn't know shit. I looked at Ryan and he spoke.

"We lost him for about 5 minutes.." Everyone's eyes were wide including mine and I swear I heard my heart shattered into a million little pieces, "But they've gotten him back and he is resting right now. He should be up in an hour or so." Everyone looked relieved and happy except me.

Reality has set in and I don't know how to comprehend right now. The baby, my father, my ex boyfriend, Jacky almost dying. This all my fault. How can anybody love a fucked up chick that only brings trouble and drama.

But trust me when I say that I have no regrets about my baby and falling in love with Jacky. The only regret I have is bringing everyone into my problems. I need to get everybody out of this problem before another person I love gets hurt.

There is only one way I can do that though and that's to leave. Leave everything. Leave everyone. And even leave Jacky.

Everyone's lives would be a hell of a lot better without me in it. Think about it, before I called Ryan that night they were having the time of their lives and then I happened. I just had to come in and ruin their perfect lives that they were living as a band.

"Ally? You okay? You've been starring at the wall for 10 minutes.. Look Jacky's going to be okay." I nodded toward my brother and told him that I was going going to go to Jacky's room. He nodded and even offered to go with but I told him I wanted to go alone.

As I was walking to his room all I could think about is trying to tell him, even if he is unconscious, that I'm leaving and he most likely won't ever see me again.

I got to his door and I started to bawl my eyes out again. He is everything to me and even though I don't want to do this I have to. He or any of the others will just get hurt if I stick around.

I finally got the courage to open his door and all I see is him attached to wires like he was a robot.

I walked over to his bed and sat down next to him holding his hand. I started to tell him or tried to for that matter.

"Jacky, I know you cant hear me right now but I have to do this or I won't be able to later. I love you with all my heart and I need you in my life but I can't bare to see you hurt. So, I have to leave. I don't know for how long but I can't let any of the others get hurt like you did. Please what ever you do don't try and find me. We'll find each other one day and as far as the baby goes.. He or she will know that their father was the best. They'll get to meet you one day I just hope that you'll still love me like you do now and want me and the baby in your life..." I had to pause to wipe away my tears and then I continued, "You are the best thing that has happened in my life and I will always love you. But for now I can't be near you with all my problems that I have. I'm sorry. I love you Jacky, always and forever." After I said what needed to be said I kissed Jacky on his forehead and walked to the door.

"I love you Allison, always and forever." I heard. I turned around and saw Jacky's eyes looking at mine. At that moment I wanted to break down and crawl into his arms but I know that I can't.

I put my hand on the door handle and looked at Jacky one last time. He had tears running down his face and so did mine.

I mouthed 'I'm sorry' and pushed the door open. I walked down the hall to the entrance and walked out.


So this is Chapter 24 and I really hope you like it! I'm sorry for not updating but I just needed time to myself and not worry about updating anything. As far as the updating goes they might still be a little slow and I am terribly sorry for that but more updates will be coming.

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