Chapter Thirteen

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Oh my god I can't believe how well this story has turned out!! And I can only thank you guys!! You, my lovelies, made this story get almost 1000 reads!! Okay so without further delay... Read on!! Cx

Song; Holiday by Green Day


Allison's P.O.V.

I woke up by myself and I didn't know where the hell we were. I got out of our bunk and went into the kitchen, I stopped when I heard everyone's voices.

"Oh yea! That would be epic!!"

"Shut the fuck up!! Do you want her to fucking hear you!?" Okay.. I'm guessing they are talking about me but now I'm feeling self conscious... whatever time for more listening.

"Okay, okay. So what are we pla-" they were about to say the rest when the floor of the bus creaked and they turned toward the bunk door. I think they saw me..

"Ally? You up?" Okay pretend you didn't hear anything and just answer groggy.

"Huh.. Oh yea." I say walking up to them, each giving them a hug good morning. "What were you guys talking about?" I asked going to the 'kitchen' area for some breakfast.

"Oh, umm... Nothing to worry about. Just about tour." I nodded an okay even though I knew they were talking about me. I was kind of mad on the inside but I probably couldn't stay mad at them forever.

"So where are we now?" They looked at me like I had four heads. "What?"

"Nothing. Just you have a lil.." Ryan said pointing a to the corner of his eye signaling me that I had something in the corner of my eye. I went to the bathroom and checked in the mirror. But I saw nothing on my face at all. I'm confused, unless that was just an excuse to get me to leave the 'living room'. I tiptoed back quietly not wanting them to hear me.

"Okay. That'll give us a maximum of 5 to 20 minutes." Even though I could see them they couldn't see me.

"Yea. Okay so what's going on, Jack?" Alex asked.

"Well even though me and Allison haven't been dating long I still want the both of to be committed to each other." Wait.. What does her mean 'committed'?

"Wait are you like saying to propose?" Oh my god.. Please tell me he isn't thinking that because I'm not ready for tha-. My thoughts were interrupted when Jacky spoke up.

"No! But I was think of maybe.." And that's when I walked in because I didn't want to know what he was planning. Whatever it was I wanted it to be a surprise. Even if it was unexpected and uncalled for.

When I walked in everyone shut up and looked at me. I looked back and sat on Jacky's lap.

"We're going to be in Washington soon." I nodded and even though I wasn't tired I fell asleep on Jacky's shoulder. Why the fuck am I always falling asleep all of a sudden?! God, I'm so confusing.


So I'm sorry it's really short but I'm planning lots! So look forward to that!! Cx I love you all my lovelies and I hope you guys my oh so sorry short chapter.

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