Chapter Sixteen

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Here's chapter sixteen I think (more like hope) you guys will like this chapter. But onto some exciting news I hope most of you guys know Jacky is going for guitarist of the year for AP Magazine so if you guys want to vote the link is right here --> and there is a survey for guitar world and the link is right here if you guys want to take the survey it's about bands so don't worry the link is going to be right here ---> ^~^ so I hope you guys vote to make sure Jacky wins!! Also not to be overly excited but I've been voting for Jacky a lot and I guess he noticed (idk) because he's retweeted me and he actually replied to me cx lets just say I fangirled A LOT! Loll but if you guys have a twitter and want to follow me I'll leave my twitter name at the end of the chapter ^~^ sorry for how long this intro is.. :/ loll read on my lovelies!!

Song; Damned If I Do Ya, Damned If I Don't by All Tome Low


Ryan's P.O.V.

Great. Just fucking great. Now I have to explain... But I don't know how to explain. If you are wondering I am pacing back and forth just outside the waiting room doors about to go back in and face everyone and probably a boat load of questions. Okay, I need to go in and explain, here it goes.

I walk back in and I get looks from everyone mostly confused. So far no one has asked anything and I'm kind of glad. I walked to a chair and sat down, now here come the questions.

"Are you and Ally related?!"

"Why didn't you tell us!?"

"Are you going to explain yourself!?"

"Ry! Tell us something please?!"

"Okay! Yes! I'm related to Ally! Now calm down so I can explain." I said/yelled at everyone. Everyone got quiet so I continued, "when I was three my mom had another child, Ally, and our parents didn't really get along, so they got a divorce. I got to go with our mom and Ally got to go with our dad. Our mom got remarried when I was 4 and half and I guess our dad got remarried too but I didn't know until I met Ally once again. And no she doesn't know about us being related because I know that question is in your heads. But we also still lived by each other so that's how me and Ally went to the same school. And even though I'm 3 years older than her I still looked after her in elementary school and even high school." I let out a sigh and slumped back into my chair. Everyone was so shocked about my explanation.

Not long after the doctor came back out saying Ally was alright and awake but very weak. But Ally was requesting me and Jacky first then everyone else. So I went and told Jacky, we walked behind the doctor all the way to Ally's room then the doctor told us we could go in. I opened the door and let Jacky in first, he ran to her bed and grabbed her hand like his life depended on it.

"Allison, please don't ever do that ever again. I love you so much and so does Ryan and everyone else in the waiting room. Listen, I don't care if your ex is out to get you because we will protect you with everything we got. I promise you Allison you are safe with us." I could tell Jacky wanted to cry after saying that but he didn't because he was trying to be strong for Ally.

"Jacky.. I just don't want any of you to get hurt. I love you guys and you have done so much for me." Ally started to cry and so did Jacky. They hugged and after awhile Ally looked in my direction and waved me over, so I walked over and Ally pulled me into their hug. I have to tell her we're related.. But how? Or when?

"Listen I'm going to get the others okay? I'll be right back." Jacky said and I knew he was giving me time to tell her. Ally nodded and then Jacky looked at me and nodded, I nodded back and he left. Ally's attention was now on me and if knew right here I needed to tell her.

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