Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Song; Amnesia by 5 Seconds Of Summer


Allison's P.O.V.

After hearing chatter from people I lazily tried to open my eyes and sit up. I was still in the same spot from when I got knocked out only tied up. All I remember from before I was knocked out was that I came back to my so called father and him hitting me then this crazy chick that seems so familiar but I can't put my finger on who she is.

"Ah, finally. The little bitch is awake." I looked over to see the crazy chick sitting on the couch only about 5 feet away from me.

"Who are you?" I managed to croak out.

"Awh, darlin, do you not remember me?" She asked and I shook my head, "well lets just say that you stole something that was mine."

I only looked at her more carefully and soon realized I was face to face with my boyfriends crazy ex.

"Ellise." I sneered.

"Ding, ding, ding. Now listen. We are going to go on Skype so we can call Jacky and say that you're fine and that they don't need to come after you. You also need to say that you don't need him and that I am so much better than you so he should come back to me. Got it?" She spat in my face while I was still on the ground. All I did was nod and tear up at the fact that I need to tell the love of my life and the father of my baby that I don't need him anymore.

"Did you tell her the plan?" God, that voice. I hate the person that has that voice. He can go die in a hole for all I care.

"Yup. Now, we better put make up on you to make sure you don't look touched," she said as she motioned to my face which had probably bruised already, "and then we will be ready."

She untied me and lead me to the couch with all her make up laid out on the couch. She sat me down and she went to work on my face.

"We only have 2 minutes until you have to be on Skype. You better be done." My father said.

"Yea, I'm done. Now get the laptop." I really just want to cry and cry but of course I couldn't cause then I would get the shit kicked out of me. "Remember." I nodded and blinked away the tears.

She logged into Skype and then started the video chat. I'm not ready for this.

It rang and it seemed like it was ringing on for, forever.

It then stopped ringing and saw Jacky on the screen. My heart literally drops at the sight of him and what I'm about to do.

"Allison. Are you okay? I swear Ellise if you have touched her I will end you." He said with pure venom in his voice. I didn't want to answer but Ellise nudged me hard in the ribs.

"Yea Jacky, I'm fine. But I need to tell you something. Just listen to every word. Fo(u)r every other word, remember that you meant the world to me." He nodded for me to continue. I hope this works, "I don't need help. Don't worry about me. I've always thought Ellise was better. She loves you and I don't. Here with my dad has shown me that. I don't like hurting people but this has to be done. You don't love me. Please, don't send help. Ellise's better than me in everything. Please, you still love her. I don't love you anymore. I'm sorry Jacky." I looked down when I said every word afraid of what he looked like.

"Allison, this is not true. I love you. I don't love her! Please Allison you love me too I know you do! For fucks sakes we were going to have a baby together!" I started to tear up but I blinked them away.

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