Chapter Twenty-Six

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Song; Champion by Falling In Reverse


Ryan's P.O.V.

I really hope she takes in my rant well because I can't lose my sister to our idiotic father.

I looked at Ally and studied her face, it seemed that she was thinking rather hard. I hope she's thinking into staying here and not leaving. If she does decide to leave I'm not going down without a fight.

"Ry.. I just don't want anyone getting hurt like Jacky. He is my everything and I dragged him into this along with you all." She sighed and flopped onto the couch. I sat next to her and side hugged her.

"Ally, stop doing this to yourself.." She looked at me confused, "You're always so quick to believe everything is your fault but it's not. We brought it upon ourselves to do this. You didn't drag us into this."

"Why is it that you are the most immature and mature person I have known? You always know what to say at the rightest times. Thank you Ry.. But I don't think you will like what I'm going to say next.." She lowered her head and whispered something that I didn't catch.

"Al's speak up I can't hear you.."

"I'm still going Ry.." I looked at her with shock and disappointment. I thought we just had a very good conversation about her not leaving and yet here she is saying she is still going.

"Allison you will not be going back there. You and me both know I am not letting you." I said sternly.

"Ry, I know you mean well but just.. give me a day? I want to do this by myself. I have always been afraid of him but not anymore I'm tired of running from him. But then you and the guys can come after me if I don't come back or contact you. Okay?" I wanted to say no but I hears the determination in her voice. We both have that about ourselves because we got it from our mom.

"1 day Allison. 1 day. If you are not back or contact me by 3:30pm tomorrow I am getting on a plane and coming after you. Got it?" She nods and hugs me. Of course I hug back.

"Thank you Ry. I knew you would understand.. I love you so much. I'm so glad you opened up and told me you were my brother." I only nodded and kissed her forehead.

"Please be safe." I whispered to her and she nodded kissing my cheek. She grabbed her bag and walked off the bus.

I hope she knows what she's doing.

Allison's P.O.V.

Me and Ryan were talking and as much as his words told me to stay here and be safe I couldn't. I had to confront my father and stop being that little girl that was always afraid of him.

I hate feeling this way and I want it to stop. The only way to stop this feeling is to go up to my father and my  psycho of an ex boyfriend. 

I could tell Ryan was staring at me even if my head was done. I haven't told him that I still plan on going but I am right now. I muttered that I'm going but I guess he didn't hear me. 

"Als speak up I can't hear you.." I sighed and repeated myself but a little louder.

"I'm still going Ry..." I looked up to meet his eyes. He looked disappointed and shocked by my words. I don't blame him I'm just as shocked but I know that I'm doing the right thing. Well, I hope I'm doing the right thing. 

"Allison you will not be going back there. You and me both know I am not letting you." I sighed once again. I need to explain to him that this is what needs to happen.

 "Ry, I know you mean well but just.. give me a day? I want to do this by myself. I have always been afraid of him but not anymore I'm tired of running from him. But then you and the guys can come after me if I don't come back or contact you. Okay?" I took a deep breath because I said all this in one go. 

"1 day Allison. 1 day. If you are not back or contact me by 3:30pm tomorrow I am getting on a plane and coming after you. Got it?" He said. I nodded and hugged him. He hugged me back.

"Thank you Ry. I knew you would understand.. I love you so much. I'm so glad you opened up and told me you were my brother."  I said smiling.

He then told me to be careful I nodded again and kissed his forehead. I know he has faith in me to do the right thing and I also know that he is also scared that I won't live. I doubt I will but if me dying means keeping everyone else safe then so be it. 

I grabbed my bag and started walking off the bus. I looked at Ryan who had his back turned and whispered an 'I Love You.' 

I started to hear other voices coming toward the bus. Derek and Ronnie. Of fucking course. I need to get outta here quick. I started running towards the bus streets and then walked some. I hailed a cab and told the driver to take me to the airport. 

God, I hope I know what I'm actually doing.

Jacky's P.O.V.

I need to get out of here. I can't stand it in here. I need to be with Allison because I have to keep her from going back to her psycho ex and father. I can't believe that she put up with all the abuse from both of them for so long and now that she's not with them  anymore they come after. 

Not being an asshole or anything  but their lives are probably better without her because they don't need to worry about abusing her all the time. I can't even believe a person could abuse such a beautiful face. She doesn't deserve any of the abuse she has been through.

I was still in my thoughts when Derek, Ronnie, and Ryan came into my room. I looked at them, Ryan's head was down and both Ronnie and Derek had sad expressions on their faces. 

"Who didn't stop her." I commanded. I looked at Derek and Ronnie but all they did was look at Ryan. I looked at Ryan and saw his down and him shake slightly. He let her leave.

"Jacky.. I swear when I say I tried." He said sniffling. I was beyond pissed and I don't get pissed very often.

"BUT YOU LET HER GO! DO YOU REALIZE WHAT THEY ARE GOING TO DO TO HER?!" Everyone flinched and backed away slightly. I need to calm  down before a nurse comes in and says 'Is everything okay in here?' in her fake worried expression. God I hate my nurse.

"Jacky, I tried. You think I would just let her leave without a fight? You think I would actually do that? I am her brother for fucks sake. I love her just as much as you do Jackson."  I was a little set back by Ryan using my full name but I was also pissed that he use my full name. 

"Ryan.. I just want to know what happened.." I said as calm as possible.

He told Derek and Ronnie to wait in the hall and they did. Then he came and sat next to my bed and started to tell me what happened. He told me everything and after he told me I didn't even want to know anymore. 

She left and she only has a day. What the fuck is going on in her head?


So this Chapter 26! Hope you guys like it! Also this story is almost to 10k! I can't believe it that's incredible! I love you guys so much you don't realize.. Okay now since this is almost to 10k I will not be updating til then but you guys can do it right? I know you guys can! 

Remember to Vote, Comment, and Share if you liked it!! 


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