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Today was the day. The day I'm going to tell the world about the real me. I was nervous and excited all at the same time but I knew this was the right thing to do, I knew it needed to be done. Now before anyone else found out. They needed to hear it from me.

"Mia you're going on now" Mum said as she pushed me towards the camera on the 'this morning' show.

"Now we would like to welcome the very beautiful Lucy Parker!" The host, Holly Willoughby, announced and the audience started to cheer and clap as I walked on. I hugged Holly before sitting in the seat opposite her.

"Hey, thank you for having me" I said with a smile.

"Its our pleasure. Now you asked to come on the show today right?" She asked and I nodded confirming that statement. "So please tell us why? I mean you told me on the phone you had some shocking and big news to tell the world, let alone your fans" Holly said looking at me with such interest.

"Yes I do. As everyone knows I've been doing this since I was fifteen" I started and Holly nodded, encouraging me to carry on. "Well, something that no one knows is that when I was fifteen I thought it would be fun to be someone different. So that's what I did, I became someone else." I said looking at the camera while spoke like I was speaking to the whole world myself, instead of just a studio full of people.

"What do you mean by that?" Holly asked confused like the whole audience.

"Its easier to show you.." I trailed off and reached my hand up for my wig for the last time ever.

As the wig slid off my head and my natural blonde hair fell on my shoulder, the audience gasped and started muttering to each other. Even Holly looked shocked that she didn't know what to say.

"Wow. Errrm, I don't know what to say or ask. Maybe you could explain more for us?" Holly asked looking round the studio but everyone was too shocked to tell her what she should do.

"Well, I'm not Lucy Parker. My real name is Mia Williams. When I was fifteen I wanted to do something loved which was singing but being fifteen and immature I thought it would be fun to be two people. To be famous as someone the whole world knows but still have my normal self so I could finish school. I thought it would be alright but it wasn't until a couple of weeks ago that I started to hate it. I hated that when I went on stage the fans weren't shouting my name but someone I made up. It annoyed me that no one knew the real me. That I wasn't only lying to the fans, my friends and the media but I was also lying to myself. I made myself believe that this was ok, that nothing could go wrong. However my fifteen year old self didn't think about what the older me would go through. How trying to settle down with someone you love is hard when you have such a big secret. It wasn't until a couple of weeks ago I wanted the whole world and my fans to know the real me. To try and understand that I was young when I came up with this idea and I didn't mean to hurt anyone on the way but I know I did. I know people probably feel betrayed but I'm going to try and make it up to everyone. I'm trying to do good again, I want to start over as me, Mia Williams, not as someone who doesn't actually exist." I finished looking at the audience who took in all my words, they seemed like they understood, I don't know, I cant tell what they are thinking right now. As I looked back at Holly I saw her giving me a small smile, she almost looked proud of me.

"So, Mia Williams, I don't know what to say exactly but I some how am proud of you. Everyone whos young thinks it will be fun to be someone else but of course like you said, when you're young you don't know what could happen when you get older. And I'm proud, as should everyone else be, that at the age of nineteen you were brave enough to face the world on your own and let everyone know who you are! I think that is amazing and I'm happy you have finally let everyone know the real you because not only do they deserve it but you do. Lying is a hard thing to keep up with and letting everything out will make your life so much easier." She said and I nodded with a small smile.

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