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multiple changes of povs, sorry if it gets confusing

Jongin's POV

I was startled awake by a sudden knocking sound from behind me, and I looked around to see that I've fallen asleep against my front door. Thankful my headache has finally subsided, I stood up and fumbled with the doorknob.

It must be Jongdae.

I was about to greet him, when I realized it most definitely was not Jongdae, not with that height.

"Tao?" I stared at him with wide eyes. He barely ever comes back during the day.

"Jongin!" He squealed, wrapping his arms around my shoulders in a tight embrace. Startled, I stumbled backwards a bit, falling onto my ass.

"Fuck, Tao, that hurt," I groaned, smiling nonetheless. He didn't bother to apologize, but pulled me up and into his arms.

"It's been forever since I've seen you, I've been so busy with work and you've been busy with school. But I finally have a break! Hey, I can drive you to school if you'd like? Shouldn't you be getting ready by now?" He said in a jumble of words, and it took a second for me to understand.

Wait, it's already morning? Shit, what day is it?

"Wait, is it Thrusday today?" I panicked, and Tao chuckled at me.

"No, silly, it's Friday," he smiled innocently, making my eyes bulge.

"What--?!" I almost screamed, when Tao covered my mouth while giggling.

"I'm joking, it's only Wednesday. But it is already 7, so let's get going!" He didn't let me respond, pulling me out the door and into his car.

"Wait--I'm still wearing pyjamas!" I argued as he started his car. Giving me a once over, he raised a brow.

"You're pyjamas look fine, let's just go," he reasoned, pulling out of my driveway. That's when I noticed a figure making his way towards my house.

"Jongdae! Tao, wait, can he have a ride?" I looked over at him, and he stopped the car.

"Of course, it's been awhile since I've seen him, anyways," I got out of the car and pulled Jongdae into the backseat without even greeting him. He looked confused for a second, looking between Tao and I with a blank face. He opened his mouth to say something, but Tao cut him off.

"Okay! Enough chatter, let's get you two to school,"


"Thanks for driving us, Tao, see you later," I waved, and he smiled, driving back in the direction we came from. Jongdae immediately began questioning me nonstop.

"Do you feel okay? Is your headache gone? Why didn't you answer my calls yesterday? Did something happen?" He demanded, stopping me in front of the entrance. I sighed, knowing fully well I wouldn't be able to keep it from him. I checked my watch and realized we were a minute early.

"It's going to take a while to explain, so I'll tell you at lunch, okay?" He looked reluctant, but really had no choice since the bell had just rung.

"Fine, but I want to know all the details,"

Sehun's POV

"He's not here yet, what do I do if he avoids me?" I muttered to Baekhyun, who had his head on my shoulder. Since we were in school, we still had to keep up the 'act'.

"Just try to explain it to him, tell him that you're sorry. Everything you told me last night," he hummed, eyes slowly closing as we waited for our teacher to arrive. I shook him awake, grabbing hold of his shoulders.

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