[Oneshot; 2, Part One]

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;) hey, all,
I'm finally back from my vacation (well, I'm currently writing this on a plane, but i should be back by the time I publish this)
I'll try to update as much as I can, but since school's starting up again -*cries*- updates may be inconsistent

enjoy this oneshot I got inspired to write in the middle of my vacation, sorry if it drags on too long, this should be completed within 1-2 more parts <3

[January 14th, 2530]

Sehun's POV

My name...

My name is N598.

I... My creator, Kim Junmyeon, has just declared me like the others...a failure.

I was... I am an experiment. I am not... human.

And... I don't know...what to do...


[December 30th, 2529]

"Bring him in."

It was bright. I adjusted my eyes to accommodate the light.

"Lay him here."

I was pulled up from my wheelchair and laid on a cold surface.

"You may leave."

Footsteps. A door closing.

I shifted my gaze to my creator's gloved hands.
I was never to look him in the eye.

"N598... Have I gone through 600 of them already? That is unfortunate.. I have yet to find the source."

I said nothing. Not that I could, even if I wanted to. I wasn't programmed to form words or sentences.

"Quiet one, aren't ya? I'm relieved. N597 wouldn't stop screaming, I think my eardrums are numb."

My mouth tugged downwards.

He doesn't even know how he programmed each one of us?

"No matter. Let us get on with it."

I felt something thin and sharp poke at my neck.

"I feel a bit bad doing this, you're a pretty one." I could feel the cool liquid run through my blood.

"Good night, N598."


[February 2nd, 2531]

"--s it time yet?"

"According to my calculations, he should wake up any second now."

"Do you think he'll be okay? It looks like he's shaking.."

"That's one of the after-effects of injecting that serum. It doesn't seem too bad." A warm hand enclosed around mine.

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