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well, it's been a while..?

that vid rlly hit me in the feels goddamnit jongdae your voice should be illegal
sorry for the late update! school has really taken up so much of my time ugh btw at the end, there'll be some baekyeol/chanbaek just cuz. feel free to skip it!

Jongin's POV

The moment Baekhyun exited the bathroom, I stopped breathing. Panicking and distraught, I pushed Chanyeol away with all my strength. Fortunately, a drunk Chanyeol isn't as strong as a sober one, and I eventually managed to break free.

Baekhyun was still frozen, eyes following our every move. I immediately began to explain, "B-Baekhyun... I.. This isn't-- Chanyeol's drunk." I winced at my uncertain and most definitely not persuasive tone. I tried again.

"Chanyeol thought I was you, and... He only hugged me, don't worry! Did... Did something happen earlier, or...?" I asked hesitantly, glancing back at the tall male who stood behind me silently. With that, Baekhyun finally snapped out of his daze. Biting his lip, he avoided eye contact.

".. I may have went too far trying to make him jealous." Baekhyun muttered in a regretful voice so only I could hear. Jealous?

"What.. Happened, exactly?" I pursed my lips, worried about my old friend. He's had a crush on Baekhyun ever since they met.

"Can we talk somewhere quieter?"


"I'll ask Jongdae to watch over him until we're finished."

Baekhyun nodded wordlessly, and I pulled Chanyeol back towards the tables, stopping in front of Jongdae's. "Can you take care of him for a few? He's drunk. Like, really drunk. Try not to let him out of your sight."  I pushed Chanyeol in front of me, frowning at his sad face.

"Hey. We'll sort this out, okay? You'll get your boyfriend back in no time." I reassured, standing on my toes to pat his head. Chanyeol managed a smile, nodding obediently and taking a seat on Jongdae's lap (there wasn't any other one available).

Jongdae groaned at the heavy addition of weight, but he winded his arms around Chanyeol's torso to keep him from falling off anyway. "Be quick, birthday boy. And tell Baekhyun to stop being a dumbass." Jongdae tightened his hold around Chanyeol protectively, and I grinned. I still recall the moment I introduced the two, they clicked right away.

"Is Baekhyun okay?" Sehun spoke up, a concerned expression shown across his features. Stepping closer, I leaned down and pecked his cheek, "He's fine, don't worry."

After chuckling at Sehun's embarrassed face, I noticed that Tao hadn't said a word ever since I got here. Turning to him, I began to fit some pieces together when I saw his guilty expression.

"Take care of Chanyeol, I'll be back in a bit." I gave the four of them one last look, retreating back to where Baekhyun and I agreed to talk.

"Ready to spill?" I eyed Baekhyun.

He took a deep breath, hesitating the slightest. "Yes."


"-- and that's how it happened. I know I crossed the line, so when Chanyeol got drunk and kissed me, I just couldn't do it."
Baekhyun looked guilty. But like hell do I care how he feels at the moment.

"So you're telling me...that you asked Tao to help you make Chanyeol jealous?" I felt like ripping my hair out of frustration because what the fuck. "Isn't it already obvious that he adores you? What more do you want?"

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