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chenbaekxi is my shit

Jongin's POV

"Jongin, may I see you after class, please?"

I jolted up from the slumped position I had been in, looking at my professor with enlarged eyes.
Shit, I dozed off again.

I gulped. "O-Okay."

I felt a pair of eyes boring a hole into the back of my head, and I didn't need to turn around to know who it was. Squeezing my eyes shut, I mentally prepped myself for the remaining fifteen minutes of History.


"You wanted to speak with me..?" I nervously made my way towards Mr. Lee's desk, confused at the expression he was currently making.

Me. Lee cleared his throat. "Yes, Jongin. I've noticed that you're doing quite averagely on all the projects and assignments I've given you recently... I'm not complaining, nor am I going to question it, but what I've also noticed, is that you're often either zoning out or falling asleep during lessons. I don't want to push you, Jongin, because I know you're a good student, but you must put your health first. If you do the same during all of your other classes, I don't think doing well solely on tests and evaluations is going to get you very far. Do you understand?"

I bit my lip, wondering if I really did zone out that often. "I--...Yes. I understand, Mr. Lee, thank you for your concern. I'll.. try and balance it out."

My history teacher merely smiled, seemingly satisfied, then ushered me off to my next period; which was lunch.

But seconds after I exited Mr. Lee's classroom, I saw a bulky-looking figure casually leaning against the lockers. I sucked in a surprised gasp.

Oh. No. Not now, please.

I quickly covered as much of my face as I could with my bangs, speeding up my pace.
Please don't notice me, please don't notice me, please--

A hand caught my wrist at the last second. "And where do you think you're going?"

I winced from his death grip. "O-Oh, Junho.. I-I didn't see you..." Junho snorted at my obvious excuse, tightening his hold on my wrist even more

"That wasn't my question, Jonginnie."

I bit back a retort, angry at myself for being so easily pushed around by him. Although I had no choice...

"Lunch. I was heading to the cafeteria." I grit my teeth when he smirked, pushing me against the nearby lockers forcefully.

"Break time? Perfect. Get these assignments done for me, hm? Oh, and Crystal has this project due tomorrow, too. Chop, chop, wouldn't want to see lover boy's pretty skin covered in bruises, would you?" Junho cackled, shoving a bunch of paper into my chest.

I held back my fist, muttering almost inaudibly. "You bastard..."

Junho cupped his ear mockingly, leaning close. "What was that?"

"Nothing. I'll get them done."

The slightly shorter male in front of me smirked victoriously. "Some ice prince you are. Who knew the Kim Jongin would get on his knees for anyone with enough power to get their hands on the school's golden boy, Oh Sehun. It's pathetic, really." He shrugged. "Whatever, you better get these done by tomorrow."

Junho marched away with his hands in his pockets, and I waited until he was out of earshot to throw the piles paper I was holding onto the ground at my feet. I clenched my fists together until they felt numb. He's right. I am pathetic.

Falling to my knees, I hit the ground once with my fist.

Why? Why am I so weak?

I was too lost in my own world of insecurities that I didn't even notice an additional presence hesitantly making it's way to my kneeling figure.

I instinctively stilled at the sound of his voice. My day just keeps getting better and better, doesn't it?

"...Jongin? Is that you?"


bleh i need to finish that one shot ew sorry this took so long

bleh i need to finish that one shot ew sorry this took so long

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