Fun In The Snow Before Work

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Onew's Pov
I was in a deep sleep sleeping on the floor next to Minho in our room downstairs that we share we all sleep on the floor and its very helpful to know who's sleep and who's awake.

Someone had set an alarm for today since we had to go to SM for a new schedule my arm was covering my face when I heard the door reopened.

"Onew appa." I heard a loud voice call in the room my face scrunched up lightly but I kept my eyes shut "Minho appa wake up." the voice called loudly and I finally opened my eyes and sat up lightly.

Taemin sat up but laid right back down.

I blinked sleepy but smiled once i saw Olympia in a new outfit plus snow boots.

"Hi, baby." I squealed sleepy I reached out and hugged her pulling her on me holding her she smiled hugging me back.

"Kiss," I said she giggled and gave me a kiss on the cheek and lips making me smile.

"Why are you up so early?" I asked her letting her sit in my lap and took her hair scarf off and seeing her hair looked nice and healthy "Key appa said you guys need to leave early." she explained making me remember.

"Ahhhh we do but we need to shovel before leaving." I said "I'll help " she called making me smile and kiss her nose.

"I know want to help me wake up appa's?"  I asked she giggled excited "yeah." she said "alright " I called high-fiving her which she giggled while doing so.

Time Skip
"Snow!" Olympia kept screaming as she jumped around in the grass "be careful baby girl." Jonghyun called looking up from shoveling "okay." she called smiling.

She twirled around what a happy girl and she's ours I thought smiling shaking my head.

"Taemin I swear throw snow at me one more time," Key exclaimed and I laughed softly seeing Taemin laughing lightly leaning on the shovel.

"I'm not." he lied Key sent him a glare and Taemin laughed going back to what he was doing we were halfway done with the sidewalk and driveway when someone threw two snowballs at me hitting on my side.

I glared lightly but I couldn't be mad at Olympia since she and Jonghyun did it "you want to play." I exclaimed playfully and she laughed nodding.

Once Jonghyun picked her up and Taemin threw one at Minho and it landed right on his face I couldn't help but laugh at loud since Taemin was gonna get something thrown Taemin Minho called loudly.

I laughed picking up some snow and landed one right at Key who threw one at me and Olympia and Jonghyun were throwing them at everyone so instead of everyone being helpful we ended up having a snowball fight with each other.

Landing snowballs in hair on faces and on clothing so after that, we decide to let Olympia make a snow angel then snowman for the very first time "like this?" Olympia asked once she flopped down in the snow and Minho laughed and shook his head.

"No like this," he said falling back and spread his arms out really wide and flapped them and she copied giggling I secretly got my phone and took a picture with my phone.

"Cool." Olympia exclaimed the both of them were looking at them side by side "baby snow angel." he told her happy and she nodded I took another.

"Olympia snowman." Key and Jonghyun called and we all went over and helped build it with each others help and support even Stubborn Taemin.

"He is missing something." I called and Olympia looked "a carrot." she said excited and I beamed with excitement.

"Yeah," I said she gave me a high five and her and Key rushed inside to get it I watched this day started out really good and will continue to be good.

We didn't have to be at SM until 9:00 it's 7:00 so we have plenty of time and everyone is enjoying themselves.

I think I can really get used to this being an appa the same with Taemin, Minho Jonghyun and Key especially Jonghyun he loves little kids this will be a good experience I thought happy.

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