Not Acceptable

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Olympia's Pov
"Okay in." the school nurse called with a green what she called inhaler pressing the end of it for me to sucked In the medicine in I copied breathing deeply in and felt my lungs a lot better.

"Any better Olympia?"  she asked me sweetly I nodded "thank you."  I gasped out and she nodded "is Eunsoo okay."  I stammered out when she nodded.

"He is fine we wrapped his head up and he is gonna heal up fine don't worry." she said to me I nodded when she let me down the principal, our teacher were gonna come down here with our guardians I was fearful "can I see Eunsoo?" I stammered.

She nodded "he's on that coit over there."  she pointed I moved over there quick and he sat up "are you okay." he rushed out when sat up.

"Eunsoo I should be asking you stood up for me."  I stammered out and he just sent a small "I'm a tiger aren't I."  he said making me giggle he touched were the band-aid was.

"They hurt you, Olympia, I don't like that." he exclaimed, "thank you."  I stammered out hugging him he hugged me back and we looked when the door opens quick.

"Oh my god." I heard Minho appa  gasped and I winced back "Olympia what happened." Minho appa gasped out picking me up noticing small bruises and other things.

"Eunsoo!"  I saw his mom rush in picking him up fast "eomma its okay."  Eunsoo mumbled, "here listen, mr Choi, I understand you were the only one who could rush over let me explain some things."  Carly the nurse called.

"This not acceptable they both have bruises Eunsoo is bleeding don't say this  was kids roughhousing Olympia is a girl." Minho appa snapped loudly.

"I understand so from what I've just learned Eunsoo and Olympia have been going through consent bullying from there first-grade class and haven't told anyone that it's gone this far."   Miss Carly stammered.

Minho appa eyes widen "is this true Olympia?"  he asked me I looked down afraid "Eunsoo."  Minho called and I looked to Eunsoo who nodded.

"Yes Mino sir." he stammered "oh my god how long."  Eunsoo mom snapped loudly "four months today it just got worse Eunsoo was protecting Olympia because two girls and a boy have been physically hurting them it caused a fight Eunsoo was protected her and ended up hurt Olympia also has asthma she needs an inhaler."

It was a lot "oh my god."  Minho breathed out this has to stop four months "why didn't you guys tell any of us huh Olympia." Minho snapped to me and I looked down.

"I didn't wanna make it more for you with SM."  I muttered, "no no you come first."  Minho said sternly "look, Olympia, you're hurt look what happens when you don't speak up." Minho said softly in his tone.

"I'm sorry."  I muttered "Eunsoo why did you protect Olympia?" his mom asked questionably "she's my best friend eomma and why would I not when a boy hits a girl." he declared hard.

"Why wouldn't he have I'm sorry to say but this is bad,"  Minho called she nodded deeply moving her black curls.

"Okay, so that's all I know you can sign them out and take them home treat each wound every day correctly and then speak to the principal whenever."  Miss Carly called.

"Thank you."  Minho appa called he held me over his shoulders "come on Olympia I have to bring you to guys since they are freaking out bad you don't know how pissed I am at this school."  he muttered.

"Wait can I say goodbye to Eunsoo?"  I asked when Eunsoo gazed at me "yeah."  Minho called Eunsoo's mom let him down and we went to each other.

"Heal up okay then will play some more."  Eunsoo called to me I nodded "okay."  I stammered out we gave each other hugs and waved goodbye.

Minho appa held my backup and lifted me he called goodbye to Eunsoo mom who called goodbye waving.  I slumped on Minho appa's shoulder very tired after today and so on forth it's just not right I thought.

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