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Olympia's Pov
I was doodling on my coloring book in the car with Minho, Key,  Onew Taemin and Jonghyun Appa while we were driving to school today usually only two of them drive so I was wondering what was going on.

I looked up when Jonghyun appa called to me from the passenger's seat while Key appa was driving "Olympia ah." Jonghyun called I blinked.

"Yeah, Jonghyun appa." I called while breathing in "has anything been happening at school?" he called making my eyes widen I shook my head fast.

"No."  I stammered out fast Minho looked at me curiously "did you stammer butterfly?"  he asked me softly.

I shook my head "no Minho appa I didn't school is fine me and Eunsoo are good students." I called Onew hummed.

"Okay just making sure,"  he called ruffling his hair my heart was beating really fast on my tiny chest.

I was scared they found out about what has been happening to me and Eunsoo. I rubbed my eyes putting the markets back and moved around in my seatbelt handing them Taemin appa who beamed at me pinching my cheek.

I smiled but I leaned more on my backpack appas can't know I thought softly.

Me and Eunsoo were giggling with each other while reading a book in the resting corner for free time he was reading it to me since I didn't know how.

Most of the kids were being wild throwing building blocks and loud but me Eunsoo were quiet "see that's you."  Eunsoo beamed pointing at the butterfly.

I giggled "that's you Eun-soo."  I beamed pointing at the tiger he cracked a huge smile "I am, I'm the protector and will protect you, Olympia, you're so delicate always I'll protect okay."  Eunsoo called proudly.

I blinked very surprisedly "really?"  I stuttered out Eunsoo shyly "yeah I mean so when we're older you promise you won't like anyone but me?" he asked shyly.

I giggled shyly "of course Eunsoo you're the cutest."  I teased him when he blushed madly smiling we both were interpreted when three kids came up two were girls the other a boy.

"Ewwww look its the two freaks." one girl squealed with a disgust face my shoulders snaked here they go again messing with us.

"Are you talking about yourself because you look like trash."  Eunsoo sneered angrily my eyes went back concern.

"Gross Eunsoo!"  the other girl yelled while slamming the book close hitting mine and Eunsoo's hands my eyes widen in pain.

"Ow."  I cried out shooting up "leave us alone we don't do anything to you guys!"  I yelled out sad but upset.

"You're both freaks ugly not wanted."  girl number two sneered her nose up snotty like Eunsoo whole face was angry and upset.

"Leave us alone,"  Eunsoo warned I picked the book back upon but the girl slapped it out of my hands that's when I grew more upset.

I pushed her slightly off the book when shrugging stepped on it the two girls didn't like that neither did the boy.

"Did you push me,"  she exclaimed and then she full out shoved me making me hit the bookshelf and hit my head my whole head was full of pain my face showed it.

Eunsoo yelled angrily while pushing both girls back about not ever touching me again the boy then shoved Eunsoo but Eunsoo wasn't having that and hit the boy.

They started wrestling and fighting hitting punching kicking "Eunsoo no!" I screamed while jumping up in pain trying to help I rushed through the girls not caring if I got hurt it was Eunsoo safety I was worried about.

I started cry scream when I saw some blood I yelled loudly while yanking the boy off Eunsoo yelling the teacher's name at the top of my lungs making them burn.

I kept crying everyone had stop what they were doing in shock It was hard to breathe in it was getting easy "Eun-soo are you okay." I sighed out while holding his arm.

"I'm okay are you okay Olympia your not hurt?"  he asked me I shook my head "oh my god what's going on!" Miss Yonsoo yelled when she came rushing to us.

My chest felt tight I couldn't breathe at all "they attack me and Eun-soo." I weased out fearfully afraid I thought Eunsoo was seriously injured trying to help protect me.

"Oh god, Eunsoo and Olympia your both bleeding come on we're going to get the school nurse Anglia Samuel Jungsoo you're in so much trouble!"  Miss Yonsoo yelled while I held my held my chest gasping.

Eunsoo looked at me concern blood running from his nose lip and right eyebrow "Olympia what's wrong."  Eunsoo called.

I looked panicked "I can't breathe."  I sobbed out and Miss Yonsoo looked worried "asthma attack." she called she quickly lifted me up and Eunsoo rushing off.

I was so scared I was worried I was In trouble the same with Eunsoo my chest hurt my head hurt but still I was worried for Eunsoo more.

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