First Day

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Olympia's Pov
I blew some large quantities of air out while gazing at myself in the mirror the outfit I wore suited me but I dreaded today.

I didn't want to go school what was school like? how was it taught is it different here in Seoul then out in the states? is what I hear appas taking about.

I messed with my hair and frowned Key appa put it in the two big buns which I like since it showed the natural state my hair was in I think I looked up from the mirror when the door open.

I looked at Onew and smiled sadly he looked at me and his soften "why do we have to send you to school I could easily hide you." he joked making me laugh slightly and crossed my arms.

"I don't want to go to school appa," I said he bent down to my height and smiled sadly.

"I know angel but by the government, you have to go to school till your 18 if it was my way I wouldn't make you go you know that." he told me I puffed my cheeks "yeah I know," I answered looking he lifted my head up.

"I know you'll make friends cause you're Olympia and you have a wonderful personality." He told me smiling I smiled also "okay." I said.

I gave him a kiss on the cheek making him smile he messed with my hair after sighing deeply and sadly "ready?" he asked shaking his sadness away.

I nodded "yeah I am." I answered making him grin he got up and fixed my backpack on my back and then held my hand "let's go." he said sadly and I nodded walking with him out my room and into the hallway where everyone was waiting.

Couple hours In school
I was too darn shy to talk to anyone at school everyone was curious about me I would get strange looks from my class it wasn't negative not yet.

I knew it would be something pretty bad when I started coming more I was way more different from the boys and girls in my class it was after learning the romanization for hangul.

I didn't understand but the teacher helps me best he could at lunch and gave me extra help I'm gonna have to learn the basic of Korean how when I'm not Korean it was free time so I was doodling in the notebook that was full of drawings.

I felt like the odd one because everyone could conversate well and here I am not understanding. I was drawing a bird and jumped when some sat down quickly by me "what are you drawing?" the male's voice scared me so much.

I slammed my notebook and looked to see a brown hair boy my age "you speak English." I said relieved "yeah fluent." he told me beaming.

"What's your drawing?" he asked again "oh Its nothing." I said quickly "I could see clearly I won't judge." he said making me smile "a bird." I answered "cool can I see?" he asked his eyes showing excitement.

"Sure." I breathed out shy and open the notebook again "Woah it's so realistic." he beamed I nodded "thank you." I said he beamed at me "my name's Park Eunsoo what's yours?" he asked me.

"Olympia." I answered giving him a small smile "Olympia that's cool let's be friends." he beamed  at me and my eyes widen "really?" I asked he nodded moving his hair.

"I don't have many friends but that's because I'm mixed with Japanese, Korean black, and white," he told me he smiled sadly.

"I speak Korean, English, Japanese but kids still don't seem to think that's cool," he told me my eyes soften like me.

"I'm African American." I told him and I gazed him "I think you're fine just how you are taken your beautiful without." I told him his eyes widen "really?" he asked me I nodded "I know so Eun-soo." I told him and he beamed.

"Thank you Olympia."  he told me happy and a small sad chuckle left me "Its no problem Eun-soo." I told "best friends." he told me and my world brighten best friends yeah I like the sound of a best friend "do you have any more cool drawings?" he asked me and I nodded.

"I try,"  I told him and he scooted closer with the desk and I flipped through and he would gasp In excitement would exclaim and he made me feel amazing good no a freak or different my first-grade class I made one friend like Onew appa wanted.

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