Blooming Friendship

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Olympia's Pov
I beamed with happiness at the thought of school on Monday it's only Saturday and I want it to come quick Eunsoo was a huge deal at school were really good friends he was my first friend I made since the start of school.

Its been a few weeks and I always talk about him beaming smiling it makes appas wonder who he is and how I met him I was drawing in the living room hearing pots and pans in the kitchen.

"Olympia, can you wake Minho appa up his been sleep too long?" Key appa called "yeah."  I called setting my markers down.

I got up and then went to the appas room I opened the door Minho appa was sleep on the floor his blanket over his head.

I bonded over to him "Minho appa wake up." I called he didn't budge and I pulled at his blanket.

"Appa." I whined loudly he shuffled and shifted "Olympia."  he grumbled I beamed and squeaked when grabbed me holding me.

"Appa."  I whined but hugged him more he kissed my head "it's 1:00 pm Minho appa you've been sleep too long." I said he groaned "Key's mad."  he mumbled.

"I don't know."  I said he smiled at me "k let's go see."  he mumbled getting up he held me on his waist and reopened the door he walked into the kitchen holding me Taemin looked and held six fingers.

"You've been sleeping six hours." he exclaimed I yawned and that's not a lot I thought amused "I didn't sleep till 12:00 am,"  he called Jonghyun appa came over grabbing me beaming.

I smiled greeting him "Olympia can you tell us about your friend at school?" Onew appa called "Yeah." I beamed Jonghyun appa continued holding me.

"His name is Eunsoo he speaks English to help he's my really good friend we play at school and he stands up for me and I do the same for him," I explained happily.

Taemin appa chuckled "that's sweet I want to meet him." he called "we could set up a playdate." Minho appa suggested, "that's a good idea."  Key pointed out.

"We need to meet his parents first." Onew appa called "also true." Jonghyun appa called shifting me I messed with his hair softly making him grin.

"I'm taking you clothes shopping angel you need more clothes." he told me and I held his shoulder "okay appa," I said he smiled at me I rubbed my eye lightly but spoke.

"Jonghyun appa can I have a lollipop?" I asked him he nodded "yeah."  he said grinning "no that's unhealthy." Onew called with a warning look.

"I say she can we have this conversation all most every day."  Jonghyun appa called "me and her love sweets."  he teased lifting me up more holding my back I nodded with a smile.

"I'm with Onew stop giving her sweets at random times," Minho called seriously Jonghyun gave me a lollipop after grabbing one himself he opened mine then his we both high-fived.

"Thank you appa." I said "your welcome." "you're spoiling her again." Key called "she's such a good child and we've been through this you four spoil her more than me." he called amused "not true."  Taemin appa called.

Jonghyun let me down and I climbed into Key's lap leaning on his chest he held me while I ate.

"Only a little bit." Key admitted making Minho laugh "I know I spoil her." Minho appa said pinching my cheek I hummed grabbing his hand with a smile.

"You bought her that toy she didn't need."  Taemin appa called to Onew smiling.

Onew was silent but had a smile "she's our baby."  he said sending them laughing hard Key appa was gasping for breath.

"Point proven." Jonghyun appa called amused I smiled appas are funny I thought amused I shifted finishing the lollipop my sleeve rolled up on my shirt showing the bruise on my arm and stomach.

I quickly pulled my shirt down quick it was from school an incident that left and Eunsoo hurt with bruises we hide it though I can't worry appas I thought softly with a sad look.

They've done so much just by taking care of me there my family a source of new happiness I thought sadly but smiled softly. 

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