Apple Slices

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Olympia's Pov
"Olympia are you hungry."  I heard Taemin appa call from the kitchen I heard a loud bang and small curses I giggled lightly coloring in my coloring book.

"No thank you Taemin appa my stomach feels weird after Jonghyun appa gave me food," I called to him looking at the table and looked up when footsteps came in.

I was lifted up and I smiled wrapping my arms around his neck giving him better access to hold me better.

"He was feeding you junk food wasn't he?"  Taemin appa asked blinking I nodded "doughnuts lots."  I explained Taemin appa laughed at my explanation and I poked his nose making him smile "how about I make something healthy it's just the two of us till they get back."  he explained.

I blinked curiously "what?"  I asked "apple slices."  he said and at the thought, my stomach growled lightly making me and Taemin laugh.

"Okay apple slices."  he exclaimed going in the kitchen he sat me in a chair and I sat down watching he grabbed four apples and a knife "I'm gonna cut them okay,"  he explained and I nodded in a slight understatement.

I watched him with curious eyes he was cutting around the apples trying to get all the apple.  I bite my small lip and giggled softly this is not gonna go alright I thought.

I quickly jumped down when he was in the second apple "where are you going?"  he asked and I smiled "bathroom." I answered getting a quick nod of approval and I quickly went grabbing a band-aid and put it in my pocket going back and sitting down watching him.

He gave me one which I thanked him eating slightly and I jolted lightly but I knew it would happen he cut his finger and hissed lightly.

I finished eating quickly and then I ripped the band-aid opened and I got into his lap and put it on his finger "be careful Taemin appa." I told him he held me and he let a laugh out "you're so smart baby girl thank you."  he told me smiling.

I giggled feeding him an apple "Taemin appa is very clumsy like Key appa." I said making Taemin appa snort lightly looking at me.

"Who told you that?"  he asked and I smiled "Jonghyun appa." I explained and Taemin laughed loudly "he's more clumsy." he exclaimed making me laugh and eat more me and Taemin appa sat eating apples.

He would play with the apples tickle me and it was a lot of fun there was still lots of apple slices and we both were full so I cuddle up to him while he played with my hair.

"We're back."  I heard Onew appa call me and Taemin appa were too lazy and full to respond and then the rest of my appas came into the kitchen to see us.

"Wow, Taemin you don't know how to cut apples right."  Minho appa called "shut up."  Taemin appa called making them laugh  and I giggled lightly still sleepy "how many did you guys eat?" Jonghyun appa asked.

I blinked  "a lot."  I called making Key appa laugh "I bet are you sleepy?"  he asked I nodded and Taemin let Key appa pick me.

I let him clinging into him feeling so sleepy he rubbed my back Taemin "you look sleepy go to sleep."  Onew appa told him he got up giving me a kiss on the cheek and I waved to him seeing him go into there room.

"You need a nap."  Minho appa told me and I whined lightly "I don't want too."  I protested and then a small yawn left me making them laugh softly.

"You need it Jonghyun want to put her down for her nap?"  Key appa asked and I glanced seeing him nod I was handed to him and I looked at a Minho appa Key appa and Onew appa.

"Will see you in an hour,"  he told me and I nodded waving my hand feeling my back was being rubbed I closed my eyes my head resting on Jonghyun appa's shoulder.

"Did you have fun with Taemin?"  he asked and I nodded sleepily "yeah I had fun."  I mumbled hearing him chuckle "I'm glad." he told me softly.

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