Selca Teaching 101

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Olympia's Pov
Being at this place with my dads was so boring we came back to the place I met them and I was watching them dance and talk with each other leaving me to be bored little kid get bored very easy and I didn't have any friends so I was left to let my mind run wild with imagination.

I was laying on my stomach on the couch in the room and I perked up when I felt one of my dad's sit down by my legs.  I didn't know which one but I felt them run my back lightly.

"Olympia are you bored?" I heard Minho asked I rolled over and sat up and nodded "kind of." I told him he smiled and played with my hair lightly "I love your hair I'm sorry."  he told me making me smile and giggled.

"Thank you I like your hair too I don't think there's anything good about my hair though." I told him he looked at me "your hair textures is very different it's good but it needs more care than ours." he explained I giggled lightly.

"Yeah, Key Appa rubbed oil all over my hair last night." I explained and Minho nodded "that's good because he doesn't know how to use his brain don't tell him." he whispered to me.

I laughed and he chuckled with me hugging me to him "did you have fun this morning?" He asked me humming.

I nodded excitedly "I did I've never made a snowman or angel." I called making him smile "that's really good will do a lot more things but your appas are very busy but all try and keep you happy." he told me I smiled.

"Here you wanna use my phone?" he asked I nodded "I don't think I know how." I admitted with a smile he grinned and held his phone "it's kind of easy you can go to apps that I have go on the web with the bowers." he explained I nodded "you wanna take a picture together?"  he questioned.

I nodded laying my head back on his chest seeing his camera "I'm gonna give you a lesson in taking Selcas." he told me smiling and I puffed my cheeks out and he snapped the picture.

"You're photogenic you're a natural." he told me I smiled "really?" he nodded "I'll post soon but get a picture of Taemin," he told me.

Taemin appa was sitting in the ground beside us and I slide down by Minho appas leg and he held my head in place giving me a view of Taemin Appa who looked and held the peace sign up.  I snapped and picture but I don't think he was ready he panicked lightly small snort like chuckles left him.

"Olympia you're supposed to count to three."  he told me I smiled the picture was fine I showed Minho appa and he nodded satisfied "see she's good stop worrying Taemin." Minho appa called I snapped a photo of Jonghyun appa who looked panicked.

"Olympia I wasn't ready." he whined and i giggled "okay I'm done," I said before snapping a picture of Onew and Key giggling Minho looked and laughed.

"These are good will keep them our secret this is must have off guards," he told me I giggled lightly giving him his phone back and he took it lifting me up to sit on his knees his bounced lightly still holding me.

I blinked lightly "I hate being small." I whined and he gave me a kiss on the cheek "being small is cute you're just the right size for us and you're not going go to school too soon maybe in two or three months." he explained.

"She's not going to school." Onew exclaimed  and Taemin laughed softly "she has too." He called leaning his head back I'll keep her in the house." Key called making Jonghyun laughed lightly "you can't she won't grow if we don't let her school." He argued.

"But we still have time before we do." they all were in a huge discussion about school some of them where agreeing which was Jonghyun Taemin and Minho while Onew and Key were disagreeing very badly causing chatter I smiled I love my appa's I thought

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