My Last Gift

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Olympia's Pov
I gazed deeply at my socks as I sat on the couch in the house with Band-Aids on my cheek from my injuries at school a week ago they are healing up really nicely.

But now appas are really worried they treat me like I'm fragile cause I have asthma and how terrible the school was for allowing me and Eun to get bullied by our classmates.

The thing is I don't wanna change schools I wanna stay and be with Eun he is my only friend the only best friend I need I wasn't paying attention to the TV.

Speaking of Eun it's been a while since I've seen him I'm gonna ask Onew appa if I can see him since I haven't been at school in a very long time.  I jumped down from the couch and made my way to the kitchen where Onew and Taemin appa were Jonghyun Key and Minho went to the store.

I rubbed my eyes as I entered "Onew appa?"  I called when he looked up from his tablet quickly "what's wrong Olympia?"  he asked worriedly when I tugged on his jeans a bit and he picked me.

I snuggled up to him a while I felt Taemin appa rub my back "Onew appa I wanna see Eun why won't you guys let me see him?"  I asked sadly when Taemin Appa looked with wide eyes biting his lip.

"Ohh sweetie."  Onew appa called and I perked up "are we in trouble?" I asked, "no so umm how do I explain this Taemin?" Onew appa asked with sad eyes looking at Taemin who gazed sadly.

"Alright, Olympia honey Eun's eomma well she doesn't want you and Eun to be friends anymore sweetie."  Taemin appa told me I looked at him like he was odd.

"What do you Taemin appa me and Eun are best friends that's crazy."  I stuttered Onew appa squeezed me a bit "it's not you sweetie all of us know it but she thinks its best that you and Eun don't be friends anymore because as friends you both get hurt him with what happen."  Onew appa said.

This was making me feel upset and hurt "no she can't do that Eun is my best friend Onew appa we promised to be best friends and protect each other were both the same you always said different is good Onew appa."  I cried out.

He pulled me to his chest rubbing my back "no Olympia its is we what you two to still friends alright don't cry." Onew appa whispered the words kept going through we can't be friends anymore I thought sadly when I kept crying.

Why does it keep coming I thought "I think we should change schools, Olympia."  Taemin appa called that made me more upset "no."  I exclaimed bursting into more tears feeling my nose run.

"Please don't." I whimpered breathing heavy and hard struggling out of Onew appas arms "no Olympia calm down or you'll cause an asthma attack."  Onew appa called sternly in a warning worried.

I started hiccuping "it's not fair."  I cried yanking back and I was out his lap I landed on the floor and quickly got up still crying "Olympia come here."  Taemin appa called sternly worried with a heavy grunt I got up and ran to my room away from appas and slammed the door sitting on the floor crying.

It was deep crying and I felt like I couldn't breath "deep breaths."  I told myself my nose running I leaned my body on the door so Taemin Appa couldn't get in.

"Olympia no sweetie it will be okay." Taemin told me behind this door I sniffled deeply "no it won't."  I whimpered "I'm too different Eun was different as well that's why were friends."  I hiccupped a bit wiping my face hard free of tears.

"I'm sorry." Taemin appa said sounding sad I looked around my room and spotted my backpack were my art project was before I was taken out of school grabbing it I looked inside seeing the large paper with photos tapped on it.

Minho appa helped me a lot of pictures was me and Eun since I've known him for a while I don't even remember. I smiled sadly sitting cross applesauce and held it I need to give this to Eun I thought sadly since will never see each other again.

I got up sniffling deeply I looked out the open window and poked my head out the sunset is out Eun lives close down the street a few houses down.  I looked down at the collage and nodded.

Quickly grabbing my shoes and struggling to get them on but I shoved them on and then I unlocked the door to my room peeking out with my backpack on my back hearing Onew appa and Taemin appa.

I sucked in a breath and on my quiet feet I ran across the hall to the front door opening it quickly to not make a creak or loud noise and slipped out shutting the front door.

I ran down the stairs and across the lawn with my gift in hands walking on the sidewalk to the big wide world.

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