First Day

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Olympia's Pov
I spun around once in a small circle looking at myself once over in the mirror at the school uniform...well my new school uniform middle school is gonna be so much different then elementary school I thought.

I shook my head a few times my big afro fluffy out as I did my action I held the end of my skirt puffing my cheeks out "deep breaths Olympia it shouldn't be too bad today let's try to have a small easy day."  I muttered.

I winced a bit looking at my close door softly "Olympia time for breakfast hurry up!"  Key appa hollered to me "coming!" I hollered back.

I scooped my midnight blue brand new backpack up and then rushed out my room rushing to the kitchen when I came in the kitchen everyone was in here but the two main ones cooking was Onew appa and Key appa.

"Good morning,"  I called plopping down in the seat beside Taemin appa he threw me into a side hug kissing my temple.

"Hey apple."  he teased to me making me super embarrassed at the nickname it comes from a story of me and Taemin appa eating apples.

"Oh my gosh you look so beautiful."  Minho appa exclaimed at me making me smile shyly "the skirt keeps riding up." I explained and Jonghyun gave me a small one over with a frown.

"She's right."  Jonghyun appa muttered "don't wanna flash people your underwear." he laughed it made me flush deeply.

"Do you still wear underwear with the teddy bears on them."  Minho appa teased to me as soon as I stuffed my mouth with some toast.

"No,"  I exclaimed quickly a huge blush hidden on my face.

Taemin appa laughed at me softly peeking at me "its okay if you do."  he teased "hey leave her alone."  Onew joked looking over at me from the stove.

"She's grown up so well if she still likes that stuff I don't mind,"  Onew called.

I felt so relieved "thank you Onew appa." I called he sent me a playful wink and I looked at my converse to match the dark blue school uniform.

I felt Jonghyun appa pinch my cheek making me laugh softly my mouth full he burst into laughter and I knew my appa's always ease whatever fear I have I thought happily feeling Taemin appa fix my afro a bit focused.

Half of the school day gone by.......
Ugh, this school is so big I thought I even had trouble having a locker the combination itself is seven digits but everyone looks at me so different.

Even though I have been in south Korea for such a long time they still see me as a foreigner someone who doesn't belong.

I've made one new friend his name is Kang Soom  but we don't have the same lunches today but tomorrow we do.

There are two lunches a and b I have a today he has been then tomorrow we both have a together. I put all of the school work I already received today putting it on the shelf of my locker.

I saw something slip from my big binder making me smile sadly.  I picked it up and then I placed it on my locker shelf.

"Eunsoo I wonder where you are,"  I muttered I kept my backpack on and then I shut my locker still holding a folder for the last two sixty minus classes I had.

Right when I had turned a group of four boys passed me and one knocked into me from the side.

"Watch where you go foreigner!" he hollered some of his friend's laughing I rolled my eyes dropping down to grab the folder but I didn't get it in time another set of hands grabbing the folder for me.

"I'm so sorry for Eunlang he's so disrespectful I don't know why I am friend's with him." I heard the smoothest and almost relaxing voice of English to me it also was familiar.

I lifted my eyes up at the same time the boy did the boy had some of his hair in his eyes but he had the tips of his hair dyed baby blue. A soft set of brown eyes and just from looking at him I could tell he was mix with quite a lot.

I slowly counted what I could tell black...Japanese...Korean I got wide eyed the same as the boy he dropped the folder for a minute and he grabbed my wrist helping me up instead of grabbing the folder.

We both grunted while standing up the boy looked to be in denial but as well as shocked "Olympia is that you is this really you?" he whispered to me.

I slowly gasped as well holding his arms that he held with me.


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