Best Friend?

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Olympia's Pov
"Olympia."  I heard my name being called making me slowly perk up from sitting cross applesauce in the middle of my room studying my lap where I gripped a photo in my hand that I have been studying for at least an hour or so.

It was me when I six and I looked very happy in the picture next to a boy.  I remember a little bit about I smiled a little bit and I looked up  Jonghyun appa came into my bedroom carrying a basket at hip a bit.

"Olympia remember it's laundry day."  Jonghyun appa called to me when he entered and I ohhed softly.

Laundry day is today I thought "I forgot appa." I called bashfully when Jonghyun chuckled.

"Its alright do you have your clothes ready?"  he asked me and I nodded with a smile getting up with a small grunt.

"Yeah, I do,"  I told him  I still gripped the photo and then I grabbed my laundry basket holding it on my hip following Jonghyun appa so we could head to the laundry room.

It was only me and him in the house today "I can't believe you are already twelve Olympia you're about to go into middle school."  Jonghyun appa beamed at me making me even more bashfully if I could.

"Appa."  I whined when he chuckled "I can't believe it, it feels like just yesterday manager Hyung brought you to us and you became our baby."  Jonghyun called to me entering the laundry room first and switch the light on setting the laundry down.

I let a small gigglefly out "I'm not that old I'm only twelve. "  I reassured him when Jonghyun appa chuckled "that's what every parent thinks soon there thirteen and fourteen then sixteen and soon you'll be eighteen you'll never wanna see us again when that happens,,  Jonghyun whined.

I quickly hugged him  Jonghyun appa looked down at me softly "why would I ever forget you Jonghyun appa you all raised me so well."  I muttered shy Jonghyun squeezed me tight rubbing his head on mine.

"I'm just sad that you are growing up."  Jonghyun muttered to me I smiled feeling him pat my hair a bit "is middle school bad?"  I asked and Jonghyun hummed a bit.

"My middle school year was okay you get to see yourself grow."  Jonghyun appa gestured and he pulled away.

I looked at the picture some more "let's get the clothes started also honey Jasoo noona is gonna have to pick you up from your first day because we have too film colorful all day."  Jonghyun appa told me and I had to resist the urge to whine loudly.

Jasoo noona is dating Onew appa and she hates my guts because she thinks I take up way too much of his and the guys time, to be honest, I don't like her even if she is appa's noona.

"Okay."  I muttered hiding my sadness and upset face "but you will be able to drop me off right?"  I asked  Jonghyun appa side smiled at me.

"Of course we are not missing your first day of sixth grade,"  he explained and I took a sigh of relief.

It only took fifteen minutes to load the washer "alright."  Jonghyun appa muttered leaning on the washer now will be a good time to ask him.

"Appa?" I asked  he hummed nodding and I puffed my cheeks out a bit "so I was wondering."  I muttered holding the picture more and he peeked a bit.

"I remember him it's just..."  I stammered and Jonghyun appa's eyes went wide "oh Olympia I didn't know you still had pictures of Eun-soo."  Jonghyun appa called to me and I blinked some more.

"His name is Eun-soo that's the only thing I couldn't remember,"  I called studying the photo more Jonghyun appa smiled nodding.

"He was your childhood friend for a good long time Olympia you two did so much together it was hard to break you to up."  Jonghyun appa called and I wowed softly tracing the photo.

"I had a childhood friend I don't remember that much when I was six,"  I muttered Jonghyun appa hummed nodding.

"You two were really cute actually."  Jonghyun chuckled and I giggled "what happen?"  I asked and Jonghyun appa sighed.

"Well in first grade you two were badly bullied you for your race and Eunsoo for being biracial he was Japanese, black and Korean one time the bullies went so far and attacked you two."   Jonghyun appa muttered.

I gasped shocked how come I don't remember any of this I thought "oh my god."  I whispered  and Jonghyun appa nodded "it was a bad day but Eunsoo's mom didn't want you two being friends anymore so we had to respect that decision but he was your best friend." Jonghyun told me.

I was smiling "I'm starting to remember appa." I whispered Jonghyun appa chuckled "alright butterfly come on."  Jonghyun appa hugged me pulling me to his side and I was laughing hard whining appa loudly.

(Olympia 12)

(Olympia 12)

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