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He sat in the corner of the empty room, his anxiety jumbling his brain so that he couldn't even differentiate his thoughts between voices.


He's a monster! He should've died!

It wasn't an accident, he knew what he was doing!

No tears dare to escape his eyes, not anymore. He was done crying, done caring, he was done feeling.

Why do they send depressed people down here? It's worse than back in the sections.

They're left with only their thoughts. Thoughts are enough to kill, why leave me alone down here?!

Suddenly Jungkook heard a soft voice.

It sounded like a young boy, he was singing.

"Hello?" Jungkook's voice was uneven as he called out to the mysterious person.

The boy didn't answer. He just kept singing. It was a soft song, his voice suiting it perfectly.

Jungkook crawled over to the vent.

He laid down, listening to the boy's voice. It calmed him.


Jungkook woke to the sound of a food tray sliding into his room.

He stared at the bland food. He didn't want to eat.

He continued to lay by the vent, listening to the boy's soothing voice.

this is so short I'm sorry I'm dead

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