.1.The return

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Wednesday,August 4th,2017

Barbara and Dick walked down the street,hand in hand.They had just got lunch and we're heading back to the cave.
"I love you.And thanks for taking me out for lunch."Barbara cooed as Dick pecked her cheek,"Anything for you,sweet." He then got a call,"Yello?"
It was Wally,"Dude...we have a problem...come now..to the cave!!"He said as Dick sighed,"What is it Wally?A dead roach,a flying ant?"
He then started to hyperventilate,"No,No!Much worse.Its your old girlfriend!!"
He smirked,"Which one."
Wally groaned,"Come see!"
He then hung up.
"Who was that?"Barbara asked as Dick rolled his sky blue eyes,"Wally.He said one of my exes was at the cave.."
Barbara smirked,"Which one?"
Dick laughed,"Exactly!!"
They both enjoyed the time until they got back.
They heard screaming and yelling.
They went into the Kitchen and saw all the girls hugging on someone.
Dick raised an eyebrow."I'll go see what's up."
He walked over."What's going-what the-"He kinda muttered the last part.
He then saw a skinny,beautiful girl.He recognized her."Zatanna?" She then looked at him."There's the boy wonder himself." She walked up to him and hugged him."I-it's so good to see you."Dick said as she giggled,"You too.So I heard you and Barbara are a thing?"Her voice slowly dropped.
He chuckled,"Yeah.Almost 2 years.In 3 months it would've been 2."He said as she nodded,not interested at all,but still payed attention."I see.."
He then locked her up and hugged her.
He then put her down,"How was Affica?"
She sat down and laughed,"So amazing!I wish I was still there!I mean..Like I wish I could've stayed longer,but I really wanted to see you guys..Ya know?"
He nodded,"I know what ya mean."

They caught up a lot until the girls pulled her off.He sat back and smiled.
He hasn't seen that beautiful face in so many years..Barbara was soon sitting in front of him waving her hand in front of his face."Earth to Dickie."
He finally snapped back into reality,"Yes-Who!"He saw just Barbara.He groaned quietly."It's just you?" She crossed her arms."Yes.Im gonna go back home.I'll see you tomorrow,love."Barbara said. She then pulled him into a passionate kiss but he pulled away,"Love you too."
She smiled kinda sadly,"Okay..Bye."
He then walked up to her,"Sorry,I'm not really in a good mood right now.I'm just really tired."He said then hugged her."Promise?"She said as he stuck out his pinkie,"Pinkie promise."
She laughed then walked out of the Zeta tube.
Dick then got on his phone.He noticed a text from Zatanna.

Z-sorry about that,they were juts happy I was home.
D-No problem!Where are you?
Z-At my house eating popcorn and watching Netflix
D-Wish I could be doing the same:/
Z-You can come over.My dad's in Canada for the month.
D-I'll be there in 10!
Z-okay cool..

He soon changed out of Nightwing and into Dick. He rushed into the hall."Where are you in a hurry to?"He heard a voice.He turned around,"Barbara!What are you doing here?"He said with enthusiasm in his voice.She then slouched over,"I forgot my stupid phone." He nodded and kissed her forehead,"Well I'm going home bye!"He ran out the hall door.Barbara crossed her arms,"Well,I'll see if your really going home.."

Dick climbed up the tree into Zatanna's window like he used to do.He walked down into the hall and she was in the kitchen getting popcorn.He snuck up on her and scared her.She screamed bloody murder as he laughed.

She punched him in the arm,"Wow,You suck."He laughed,"That's my speciality."She laughed as they both dat down.She brought the blankets and popcorn while he had the candy and soda.They binged on the snacks and watched Chick-flicks all night.It was around 11:20 when he left."I'll see you tomorrow?Maybe we can do this again."Zatanna said,walking him to the door."That'd be nice.Oh and can you teleport me to my room." She rolled her eyes."Tropelet Kcid emoh."He then vanished into his room.He then changed and plopped down on his bed.He then heard a car.Click-Clark!
(Is that even the sound?)He stood up and saw Barbara's car.He then rolled his eyes and laid back in his bed.He covered up and saw his homescreen.

He covered up and saw his homescreen

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He sighed and put in his password.Barbara always tried to get in his Phone but always failed.His password was 1,2,3,4.It was too simple.Barbara knew Dick was complicated so never knew his passwords.He then sighed and looked at his old texts with Zatanna.

Z-Trying to sleep,you moron!
Z-whatever,I'm up now..
D-I heard your leaving for Africa tomorrow.
Z-Yeah.My friend,Balsheet,is showing me around.
D-Don't date this guy he might have Ebola!!
Z-Don't be jelly!!
D-Yeah,Yeah!!And Zatanna,before you leave,I have to say something.
Z-Me too.
D-I love you....
Z-I love you too...
D-Can you be my girlfriend when you get back?
Z-If Barbara's not getting in your pants,then yes.
D-Oh trust me,I won't let that girl get anywhere near me!
Z-We'll see when I get back.
D-Well,I'll miss you.Don't catch Ebola!
Z-Haha!I won't!
D-Love you
Z-Love you too

He sat back and thought.What am I doing with my life?Barbara can act like a bitch but I love her,or do I?I can't wait until I'm 19!!Where did that come from?Hopefully no-one from the League steals her.

He thought long and hard.He never noticed that Bruce was standing in his doorway.He then snapped back in to reality."Your girlfriends asking for you."He said.Dick smiled,"Send her up." Bruce sighed,"You go to bed after that,got it?"Dick nodded,"Yeah,okay."
Bruce shut the door and footsteps were heard up and down the stairs.Barbara finally opened the door."Hey."She said as he motioned her to sit with him.His phone than rang.It was Wally.
"I'm at your window."He said than hung up.
Wally came in and jumped on the bed,"I've got 5 movies and popcorn-oh hell no."He looked at Barbara,"Okay,get the kiss over with!"
They kissed but Dick soon pulled up,"Okay,I just wanted to say hi.Im going now.Bye."She got up and walked out of the door,hurt that Dick didn't say bye back.

He rolled his eyes and Wally cleared his throat,"I've got 5 movies-","DID YOU NOT JUST SAY THAT??"
Wally glared at him,"Man,Who peed in your Cheerios this morning?"
Dick sighed,"Sorry,bro.Just thinking a lot." Wally raised an eyebrow,"About who?Barbara?"
Dick chuckled,"If you only knew what me and Zatanna had before she left.We could've been better than me and Barbara."
Wally gasped,"OHMYGAWSHH!You still like Zatanna!!"He yelled as Dick covered his mouth.
He looked out the window and didn't see Barbara's car.
He smirked,"If only you knew how much I liked her.

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