.14.John strikes

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Year 2 of College starts tomorrow.
Dick brought in the last box,"How many more Zee?"
Zatanna put up another plate,"No more..Oh and what time's dinner?"
Dick looked at his phone,"We can go at 7.."
Zatanna nodded,"Okay,Can you come help me curl my hair?"
He shrugged,"Can I?"
Zatanna rolled her eyes and dragged him to the bathroom.They had just moved into a new apartment because this one was a lot nicer.
Zatanna sat down on her stool,"Okay,now do my hair."
He groaned and turned on the curler.
Zatanna sat and waited for him to finish.She snuck a picture.All of the girls.(Megan,Artemis,Raquel,and Zatanna)Had a special text room.
Zatanna sent the picture.

Z-Okay,Dick's doing my hair and he's actually doing it good..

R-Gurl,only if Kal would do my hair

M-La'gonn never did it..Maybe Conner will..

A-I would only pray that Wally would be that boy

Z-So I'm the only one with a good boyfriend?

M-Conners not exactly my boyfriend..Maybe soon though..

A-Wally probably did it to Jinx..

R-Kal is OKAY,but he's always away,like traveling with his friends Tula and Gar..I think they broke up but still decided to be friends

Z-RAQUEL!!You need to talk to Kal!


M-Tula was his ex-crush..

A-He used to talk about her 24/7..I think he's cheating..

Z-Yeah,He would always say how he's wanna go to Atlantis to see her.

R-Oh okay..Hey I gtg..I'll talk to you gals later.

Zatanna sighed."I think Kal's hooking up with Tula.."
Dick rolled his eyes,"Puh.Didn't she die?"
Zatanna showed him the picture on Instagram,"Apparently not..She lied about death.."
Dick shrugged,"Nahh.Isn't Raquel gonna have a baby?Or is that someone else?"
Zatanna gave him a look,"Excuse me?"
Dick shrugged,"Oh yeah,I forgot to tell you,buuuutttt.."
"But what?"
He showed her the text

Tim:Hey brother...I kinda accidentally got somebody knocked up..Plz come,ALONE!!

He sighed,"I'll be right back."
Zatanna crossed her arms and pouted,"Fine."
He kissed her forehead,"I'll be back in about 15 minuets."

John stood next to the apartment door.He knocked..He heard footsteps approaching the door.Zatanna opened it,"Come in Di-"She tried to slam the door but he caught it,"Hello darling."
She felt herself start to feel weird all inside..She backed up slowly,"S-Stay back John!"It hurt just to say his name.
He chuckled evilly,"Oh baby..You just don't know where to stop..You think you're all that in a bag of chips,don't you?"
Zatanna picked up a pan,"I will hit you!"
He stood and opened his arms,"Do it."
She tried to hit him but he grabbed it and pushed her backwards.She luckily caught herself..

She then ran across the living room and locked herself in her room.
John shut the apartments door and ran to her door.He started to beat on it,"You can't stay in their forever,Zatanna!"
She ran and hid in her and Dick's closet.She quickly dialed his number.
He didn't pick up,"Oh!Pick up please."
Her voice trembled and tears started rolling down her cheeks.
She called him again and he picked up.
"Where are you?"
"Zee,what's wrong?"
"I just left the mansion."
"John's in the house..He's trying to get in,Dick...help me please.."
He banged on the door and finally knocked it down.She screamed and dropped her phone.
Dick looked at his phone speechless.
He then dropped his phone and sped down the road.Their apartment was only 6 minuets away so it was good..
He sped onto their road and saw the apartments..He quickly got out of his car and ran up the stairs..He saw the front door cracked open..He quietly went inside and heard yelling.
He ran to their room and saw a figure.
He saw Zatanna on the ground,curled in a ball crying.

"See Zatanna!!Now you know how I felt when you left!"
She didn't respond."Oh so it's the silent treatment..Well guess what?Discipline."He hissed through his teeth.He was about to kick her but Dick grabbed his arms and pinned him to the wall..

John laughed,"Oh snap..You didn't..Tel em og."Dick let him go.
Dick was shocked,"So you know magic?"
John shrugged,"What does it sound like?"
Dick walked into the closet and got his Escrima sticks,"Let's dance,Constantine."

(A/N..We're playing the game Dick talked about!Yay!*Holds baseball bat and 10 hammers*)

In about 5 minuets,They were both bloodied up and bruised.

(Pssst.*whispers* half of that was me)

John then laughed,"This is where it ends,pretty boy. Sdnah fo leets."
His hands were the air as he picked up Dick by his throat.Dick grasped the hands as John brought him higher.
Then Dick kicked him in the face.He dropped him and held his nose in pain as he landed on his feet..He ran up to him and punched him straight across the face.John fell cold on the ground.
Dick huffed and immediately looked at Zatanna.He ran to her side and engulfed her in a hug.

(A/N.if I was Zatanna,I would be beating the crap out of Dick..He broke his promise..)

She cried into his chest and gripped his shirt.He rapidly kissed her forehead.

Dick looked up and didn't see John..He saw a open window in the living room and smiled.

He looked back at Zatanna,"What'd that bastard do to you."
She couldn't stop crying,"H-He kicked me a-and hit me."She cried again.
He held her as she softly kissed his chest,"I was scared."She quietly said as she sniffled.
He sighed,"It was my fault..I shouldn't have left you..a-and I should've got here in time.."She had never seen him cry before.His eyes were puffy,"I broke my promise,Zee."
She softly kissed his cheek,"Baby..I've never seen you cry."
He noticed he was crying,"What?I'm not crying..Sometging got in my eyes!"
The last time he cried was when his parents died..

She half smiled then started to quietly cry and wince at the pain.He gently picked her up and brought her to their bed.She started to cry when he left.
He turned around and gave her a small kiss,"I'll be right back..Say my name if you need me."

He walked out of the room as her tears poured.

Dick walked into the living room and shut the door.He closed and locked all of the windows and locked the front door.He returned to his room and saw Zatanna laying down,waiting for him.
He took his shirt off and his pants.He crawled into bed and gave Zatanna a kiss behind her ear.She turned and cuddled against his chest."Never leave me alone for 10 minuets again,EVER!"
He kissed her forehead,"I don't plan on ever leaving you."
She smiled and put her hands on his chest.
She soon dozed off as Dick smiled,"Goodnight my little bird."
She then smiled in her sleep,"Goodnight honey."

However,John is still on the loose and knows where they live..And he still knows Zatanna's scared of him..

Watch out Gotham,John Constantine officially just became you're newest concern..

Hello,I love you guys..Thank you 4 all of the respect you show me and my babies-I mean books..


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