.16.Collegeness sucks

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"Okay!So you're driving me and you'll pick me up at 12 for lunch,deal?"
Dick groaned and pulled himself out of bed,"Why do I have to?!"
She pulled on her shoes,"Well you can stay him ena dne a lazy-ass,but I'm not gonna be that very poor kid that has no job because they never got a degree..You can live in my garage."
She winked as he groaned again,"But stiiiiiilllll,I will apply for a detective after college,and before we have a kid."

Zatanna crossed her arms,"You know,children born without married parents are called bastards?"

His eyes opened wide,"What?Really?"

She nodded,"That's what you get for not paying attention in 8th grade."

He shrugged and slipped on a shirt,"I don't care if I look like shit today.."

Artemis and Wally were attending this school,too...Dick managed them to...Bruce is like a billionaire,so..

Zatanna sat on a stool and pulled out her phone,"Come take a first day selfie."

They took a selfie and Zatanna frowned.
"I forgot to tell you.....but we only have 2 classes together."

Dick shrugged,"Do I still get you for lunch?"

Zatanna winked,"It depends which way you mean 'get'."

He put on his shoes and pulled out a bowl."Whichever you want it to be,doll."

Zatanna got the cereal,"It feels like just yesterday I was in Kindergarten....You were in my class,right?"

He nodded,"Yeah...but that's when I was dating Kori..Like in....."
He paused and counted on his fingers.
"In 6th through 8th grade..."

1st period..

Zatanna sat down and looked around.
She saw Victor stone wall in with Kori behind him.She had those green eyes and that red hair.Everyone thought she was 'hot'...Or so they said..

Kori glanced over to Zatanna and bit her lip.Thats her...She is the one who is doing the dating of my Dickie..
Kori put on a smile,"Friend Zatanna!"
Zatanna looked up and smiled,"Hey!!How are you?I haven't seen you in like 4 years?"
Kori gave her a hug,"I am doing the good!It is the good to see you!!Me and sister Komi just moved here!She had just did the graduating and is doing the dating with a guy named Jonas!!He is doing the moving here to be with her next week!"
Zatanna smiled,"I have a brother named Jonas...Well that's great you're doing good!How's Ma-Your dating life been?"
She was going to say Mar'i but felt like not..
"Well,I am the single..I really do not feel like having another k-boyfriend.."

She was going to say Kid,but felt like not..She knew her and Dick were dating.

"You would be cute with Victor."Zatanna said,glancing at Victor,who was chatting with Raquel.

"Eww gross!!No of the thank you..Wait I can the do this...N-No O-Thank you."

Zatanna smiled,"Good job!!Are you trying to be fluent in normal talking?"

She shrugged,"I can talk normal."

Zatanna's jaw dropped,"KORI!!!That is soooo good!"

Then Zatanna saw Barbara walk in.
She groaned,"I have to start my day with THAT?"

Kori looked at Barbara,"Is that Barbara Gordon?"

Barbara walked past Zatanna and crossed her eyes and glared,"Slut."

Zatanna did the same,"Whore."

Kori bit her lip,"Why aren't you two friends?"

Zatanna shrugged,"Dick cheated on her with me,and she's SUPER jealous.."

Then Zatanna felt something hit the back of her head.She turned and saw Barbara sitting behind her.
She glared and threw a pencil at her..

"Zatanna!Please be nice.Ignore her!"

Then the teacher walked in,"Okay hello class..I'm your first period teacher,named Mrs.Reyes..."

She looked up and saw Barbara.She knew about her sleeping with her son.
She growled,"Okay..Lets go around and get to know each other."

---------In Dick's first period--------

He glared at John as John did the same.
"Dude are you okay?"Wally poked him.
"Shut up Wally.."Dick growled
Wally turned away,"Okay.."

John glared at Dick then crossed his arms.Dick crossed his legs and arms.
John had a black eye and busted lip.

The teacher walked in,"Hello class..My names Miss Parks..I will be your First period teacher."Wally paled,"Is that Linda?"
Dick didn't look at him,"I'm busy,West."
"Ooh,Mr.Constantine,what happened to you?"Miss.Parks asked,walking over to him and examining the black eye.

"Grayson beat me up."

They started arguing as Miss Parks cleared her throat,"You guys SURLEY don't want to be sent to the Headmistress...She will not put up with your bullshit.Now sit down and behave."

They both say down and glared at eachother."Okay that's it..No more glaring!!!Next one who glares is going to the office!Oh,Is that Wally?"She looked at Wally and smiled,"Pleased to have you as a teacher."Wally said,kissing her hand.She blushed,"Oh Wally!!Anyway,stand up,we are going to introduce ourselves."

"My names John Constantine.I am 20...Im single but crushing....I live in Gotham...Um,yeah.."

He sat down and Dick stood up,"You all know me."He sat down.Linda crossed her arms,"Stand up,Grayson and introduce yourself."
He sighed,"I am Dick Grayson,I'm 19..I have a girlfriend..I live in Gotham..."
He sat down and Wally stood up happily.,"I'm Wallace Rudolph West and I have a girlfriend!!Im 19 and I live in Gotham..."
Linda smiled,"Okay Mr.West.."

.......At lunch......

Dick sat down with Zatanna,"I have John in my first period."
She sighed,"I have Barbara.."
Artemis walked up,"Where's Wally?"
Dick yawned,"In the bathroom."

She smiled,"I'm going to my car for a sec,Tell him when he gets here."

Dick stood up,"Come on..I will show you where he really is."
They walked out of the cafeteria's doors and to Miss Parks room.
Dick peeked through the cracked door.
She peeked through the crack and gasped.
"No!!!When did they meet?"
Dick shrugged.
Zatanna covered her mouth,"He's cheating on Artemis with Linda!Im telling her!"
She started to run down the hall but Dick grabbed her wrist,"Please,no."

She jerked out of his grip,"I'm telling her...Wally's being a jerk."

Dick then grabbed both of her wrists,"You can't go anywhere."
She rolled her eyes and struggled to get out.She finally gave up,"Okay.tropelet simetra ot su!!"
Artemis was all of the sudden by them,"Look in the room!"Zatanna said as Dick threw her over his shoulder.
She looked through the crack and gasped,"I-I though he loved me.."
A little tear ran down her cheek.
Dick carried Zatanna down the hall and put her down as they got in the Cafeteria.Zatanna was pouting,"You have next period with me."He said as she smiled,"I'm satisfied...Lets go eat,I'm starving..You ate half of my cereal.."

He smirked and put an arm around her,"That's how much I love you,doll."

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